When believers in Jesus get to heaven, scripture tells us we shall be changed - we shall be like Him and so we shall know as Jesus knows and recognise Adam and Eve. Just as we shall recognise Moses, Abraham, and Mary the mother of Jesus and His step-dad Joseph etc. We shall have new bodies and renewed minds. Hope that helps.
Judging by the signs of the times that we see more and more, which Jesus said to watch for, it would seem that we are in the time preceding the return of Jesus. He will take His followers from the earth to be with God in heaven and return to judge the world who remain. There will be a new [or renewed?] heaven and earth and while we are still alive - before He returns, we all have the opportunity to turn to Him and away from our wrongdoing and receive forgiveness and Eternal life. No need for anyone to be left out, or to fear the end of the world.We can all be confident that we will be included - IF we are willing to live the life God has planned for us, in His love, knowing that He knows us better than we know ourselves. If you see a church advertising Alpha - why not go along and investigate. Blessings.