Answers: 3994
can the engine start if there is no comprestion on one or two cylders
Answers: 3 Views: 3395 Rating: 1 Posted: 8 years ago

I have  started and operated six, eight, and 12 cylinder engines without having things running smoothly but running the engine like that will destroy the engine mounting and internal parts because of the design of the engine.  

Rating: 4 Posted: 8 years ago
Any thought on the US nuclear treaty with Iran?
Answers: 8 Views: 1795 Rating: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

The ideology of ISIS does not express an acceptance or tolerance for a world inhabited by unaffiliated peoples. The religion requires a global purge of non-muslim people. I hear the sound of rattle snakes in the presence of rattle-snakes. Likewise I don't ignore threats or stories of intolerant religions. I look at what happens with them intently. Since the origin of the Muslim religion, it has seemed as though the whole lot simply stopped developing the rich line of great incite into science, math, chemistry and sociology that uplifted the world with their love and zeal for life. Instead of continuing to strive forward they seamed to go completely backwards in opposition to the rest of the this day. Something Dangerously wrong-headed happened in their culture and I think it was the birth of an agnostic clerical leader who turned everything around against their own people and the world of different people also...aka everyone.            

Rating: 7 Posted: 9 years ago
Why can't local authorities just print the extra money that they need for buying local services?
Answers: 4 Views: 2363 Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

Money is the problem, not the solution to fairness and equality in community services.  

Rating: 2 Posted: 9 years ago
Are we history??
Answers: 10 Views: 1465 Rating: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

History and future are viewed from now. The persistence of the effects of our actions in the present are subject to the effects of times passage. As a result, seeds sprout and grow,  raw fish left on the kitchen sink will stink and attract flies. We can control some aspects of our future by investing wisely in our present just as we can correct some errors of our past. We are not and cannot be in the future or past. So we are not history. We are existing now, in this present moment that continues day after day. All we are is Love. Love creates time.    

Rating: 9 Posted: 9 years ago
IRS scam....warning
Answers: 3 Views: 908 Rating: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

Soliciting money due, as a scam, works well on folk who feel guilty, elderly, etc...maybe you. Checks go out to the demanding con better than money solicitors for charity...often another scam.     

Rating: 4 Posted: 9 years ago
43 years in solitary confinement. Cruel and unusual or what?
Answers: 6 Views: 1117 Rating: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

Our system of justice occasionally seems to work well. We get an occasional jolt that something stranger than fiction is going on. Seems like a lot of folks go to prison but I don't know anyone who got out. X-prisoners should have to wear some some sort of badge of disgrace like the Vietnam combat pen worn by the time it was the badge of stupidity in the USA...later it was accorded a state of honor and respect. So too, why bother with prison when all your "sins" are publicly known and flashed-up ahead of you like your own public bill-board...I know that is how things are...somewhere.     

Rating: 4 Posted: 9 years ago
I want to answer some questions. Give me some!
Answers: 8 Views: 1167 Rating: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

Predictive software is coming along but I have not seen the breadth of predictive software that clearly demonstrates the possable result variation of a seed exposed to various genetic code variations/modifications and ingested by various organisms. I'm just ticked-off that there are those who see the world as their very own petri disk to test out their simple ideas.


Rating: 7 Posted: 9 years ago
What's happening here?
Answers: 5 Views: 719 Rating: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

Everything is happening and I am not considering an endless list of #events. Here and elsewhere billions of programers, hackers and users are doing their own thing and amazingly is still up and yes, everything is happening.   

Rating: 6 Posted: 9 years ago
Caitleyn Jenner has arrived. I think she looks amazing. Do you?
Answers: 10 Views: 2085 Rating: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

The gender identity issue raises no questions in my mind. Whatever feels right...If you could change your apparent form by just choosing....would be nice,...but while you are here on this nursery world, until recently, flip-flopping your sexual idenity has not been easily done. Considering the potential as a matter of pre-birth choice can and does afford a wide array of biological choices over the course of a lifetime.      

Rating: 7 Posted: 9 years ago
center of gravity of a water molecule
Answers: 3 Views: 1577 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

It seems to me you are asking for the answer, 90 degrees down in a gravitational environment. The physical environment of molecules in theoretical physics, lacks the majestic excellence of all those interactions in the real world.       

Rating: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

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