    is it true the USA is going bust and what will happen if it does?

    +10  Views: 1435 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    19 Answers

    Congratulations! This is by far one of the best questions I have seen here.....If we don't deal with the issues of the deficit in the balance of trade with other countries, printing money, living on credit,  shopping for foreign products at places like Walmart, using lots of foreign oil, and bailing out these money center banks, we are going to find our unemployment rising, dollar weakening, and our buying power dwindling to almost nothing.  This could one day spiral out of control, giving the edge to many countries that are currently at or near parity to that of our economic system.  If that day ever came, it'd make it difficult for ordinary Americans to live in the present standard of living as we would still have to buy our products from other countries.


    Thank you, nomdeplume.
    Nobody seems to know and how manage it if it does.
    GOING BROKE, NO, because we already are.

    Up the creek without a paddle! 1929 all over again probably I hope that does not happen again!""


    Buy gold if you can !

    She will become Canada's 11th province. "Free" health care for everybody !


    Go Canucks!

    Bunch of riotous sore losers.

    China will own our ass.

    Greece and Ireland are going bankrupt also.


    For alot people in Ireland ......Ireland is well and truly bankrupt.Only rich gain, as always.

    if china forecloses on the u.s. it is going to be an bigger country.

    Well, probably just invade Mexico or Canada, for more tax income, if it is left up to the current politicians in office.

    GOING BROKE, NO, because we already are.

    Pardon the stuttering, but this new format needs a good bug fumegation.

    Up the creek without a paddle! 1929 all over again probably I hope that does not happen again!""


    Thank you for the thumb ups hiccup from new format

    She will become Canada's 11th province. "Free" health care for everybody !

    watch 2012

    She will become Canada's 11th province. "Free" health care for everybody !

    Up the creek without a paddle! 1929 all over again probably I hope that does not happen again!""


    Thank you for the thumb ups hiccups from new format

    Vote and kick the bums out.......

    She will become Canada's 11th province. "Free" health care for everybody !

    Up the creek without a paddle! 1929 all over again probably I hope that does not happen again!


    new format hiccup

    Up the creek without a paddle! 1929 all over again probably I hope that does not happen again!!!""


    Thank you for the thumb ups! new format hiccup

    new format hiccup

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