    how to get roadrunner back as my home page

    0  Views: 198 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    • Click on your Internet Explorer icon; you'll find this in your Start menu, or the toolbar at the bottom of your desktop window.

    • Type in "Google" to IE's search box at the top of the browser window (this is just an example, you can use any website that you want).

    • Arrive at Google search engine home page.

    • Go to toolbar at the top of browser, and click on "Tools", then "Internet  Options".

    • At the top of the pop-up, you'll see a "Home Page" box. The address of the site  that you are currently at ( is there. Press the "Use Current" button to  specify this page as your home page.

    • How to Set Your Browser Start Page in Firefox

      1. Click on the Firefox icon to start up your browser.

      2. Navigate to the site that you'd like as your Home page.

      3. At the top of your browser window, you'll see the Firefox tool bar (this includes the words "File", "Edit", etc.). Click on Tools, then Options.

      4. The popup window will open up with the default option of General. At the top of the window, you'll see "Home Page Locations." If you're satisfied with the page you're currently at and would like to set it as your Home Page, click on "Use Current Page."

      And that's it, folks.  Once you do this simple bit of housekeeping, every single time you start up your browser you  will be at your designated home page. When you're finished surfing the Web and  want to get back "home", all you need to do is click on the home icon  or open a  new browser window. Simple and easy.<!--/gc-->

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