    Who is marie murphy referring to Murphy Elementary School in El Sobrante, CA

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    Avoca School District #37 was first registered with the Suburban Cook County Superintendent in 1870.  The District includes portions of Wilmette, Northfield, Glenview, and unincorporated Winnetka and is the only common element shared by the multi-community residents who have consistently supported the District.  The word Avoca means “fountain of knowledge” and comes from Gaelic mythology.  It is related to an actual geographic location; a confluence of rivers in Ireland called, “The Vale of Avoca.”  The name “Avoca” was voted upon and approved by the original settlers of the District.

    The original “Avoca” school was a wood frame building.  In 1923, a two-room brick building was constructed on the site of the present Marie Murphy School.  All grades were included in these two rooms.  A two-room addition was constructed in 1930.  The original frame school was sold and moved to Northfield where it remains a private residence — with additions.

    Mrs. Marie J. Murphy, who eventually became Superintendent, was initially employed as a teacher in the District in 1932.  There were 45 students in Grades 1 – 8, and two students graduated that year.  An Avoca school bus route was initiated in 1934.  The North Gym was constructed in 1940.

    Originally, the District was composed primarily of farmland.  Residential development began after World War II, initially in the area west of Hibbard Road to Edens and south of Illinois Road to Wilmette Avenue.  The resulting increase in students necessitated the addition of a wing to the Avoca School in 1950.  Another wing was constructed in 1953.

    Avoca East in Wilmette was built in 1957.  Avoca West in Glenview was built in 1959. The 1960s were years of expansion.  In 1961, six classrooms were added to Avoca East; in 1964, Fine Arts, South Gym and eight classrooms were added to the junior high school; and Fine Arts rooms, South Gym and eight classrooms were added to Avoca West in 1967.

    In 1968, after 36 years with the district, Mrs. Murphy retired as Superintendent and passed away at age 90 in 1999.  Avoca Junior High School was named Marie Murphy School in her honor that same year.  When Dr. Alfred J. Price was engaged as Superintendent in 1968, District enrollment had increased to 1,530 students.  During the 1970s and 1980s, the District experienced a significant decline in enrollment.  In 1986, Dr. Price retired, and Dr. John W. Sloan became Superintendent.  The District then experienced enrollment growth during the 1990s and updated and expanded District facilities.  Current enrollment in both schools is 665.  When Superintendent Sloan retired in June 2002 after 16 years of service, the Marie Murphy School computer lab was named in his honor.  Dr. Joseph M. Porto assumed the position of Superintendent in July 2002 and retires in June 2010 after nine years, when many innovations were implemented during his tenure.  Following a nationwide search, the principal of Avoca West Elementary School, Dr. Kevin M. Jauch, was selected to replace Dr. Porto in July 2010.


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