    At what age did you feel you were most successful? What changed if anything and why?

    +5  Views: 656 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    At 40. After that, raising my kids and taking care of my family meant more to me than money or professional success.

    That's rare. You the Mom or the Dad?
    ed shank

    Spoken like a real man with priorities in the right place. Thanx for the comment.

    hooray for you. : )
    For me it had to be when I was thirty one. Had a great position with a Fortune 500 company, I was making more money than my Doctor brother with whom I've always had fierce competition with. He's still very successful in his practice today, but I have more toys. P.S. I have resigned two positions through the years which would not allow me to spend time with my wife and young son. Moneys nice but their my heart. You can't retrieve time lost.

    Ed Shank (Not your real name) Write about competition engines. Send it to the magazine you read on the subject. You'll publish. I bet.
    ed shank

    The engines I build make 3,000+ HP. They are used in top fuel cars (Dragsters). My engines have been used by many Drag racing legends. My engine credits have been in many magazines through the years.

    Ed, Do you or have you lived in Michigan ? That used to be where you'd find the most automotive type engineers.
    ed shank

    I can't say that about every year, but most have been for the better. Thanx for taking time to comment.

    Good for you. You would not believe the errors I have made. I'm ok now but in my struggle for success I caused chronic pain for life. You would not believe how I did it. Almost funny.........almost.
    at 50, started a new company and now have the leading 3 distributors!!!!!!! and family said I could not do it :)

    It is a blessed feeling when your family says you can't do it. Congratulations. I knew you could do it all along!

    Thank You! :)
    ed shank

    Isn't it great when you can succeed in pessimistic surroundings? I've experienced it as well. Thanx for your comment.
    At 49, I started publishing my work. After a couple of years of the column, I couldn't take the criticism (or the hoorays) : (

    I hope there are many comments. It's an interesting question.
    ed shank

    I've always wanted to write. I actually did a few short stories that never went any further then friends and family. They all commented positively and suggested that I stay with it. But my love for competition engines out weighted the writing. Thanx for your response.
    For me my years in the Australian army. I reached the dizzy heights of sergeant, but any one can tell you sergeants run the army, all the others do is tell the sergeant what they want doing and then it is up to sarge to get it done with help of other NCOs and diggers.

    Most importantly for me it made a self reliant man out of a boy.Taught me true mateship, instilled discipline and pride in me for me.

    click heels & salute you!
    ed shank

    We need to reinstate the draft here, way to many assholes on the street doing nothing but selling dope.

    Itsmee obviousy you are not a military person, sergeants do not get salutes Ha Ha, but thanks anyway.
    If you see a sergeant do not salute go up and say "Thanks for everything mate"

    Ed could not agree more, I was a weapons and d rill instructor of National Service Trainees for 4 1/2 years so I know first hand what it did for those young men.

    ed shank emiliy dickinson said, "fame is a bee." it's the first thing i learned from my writing mentor. i didn't think much of it when he said ... but i learned. 

    still waiting for that right age as well as feeling of success,lifes been good to me so far but,i'm still open for new opertunities.

    ed shank

    Success can bite anyone in the ass at anytime.

    What does "Unfollow this" mean? It's up at the top of the page. What's that tree for?

    Why do people think of success in terms of money ?  When I saw this question.......I was asking my self when did my family need me the most, or when did I help people the most in the nursing proffession.  Ok, for me , it was in my forties. Yes, life begins at 40. That's when I fisrt got married. He was definately worth the wait. I did  a lot of good then in my job as an LPN. I also did substituge teaching then b/c I had changed careers from nursing to teaching when I was in my 30s.  But, in my 40s, I worked at both. I think I enriched my husband's life, b/c his first marriage was full of strife. He did have 2 kids and grand kids, however. And in my 40s, I enriched my elderly mother's life by helping her move and taking care of her medicai problems and took care of her business she became forgetfull.

            Then, at 51, it all came to a screeching halt, b/c my husb died, and 1 1/2 years later my mother died. I tried to reconstruct my life. I then got cancer at about 57 and spent a long tme trying to combat the side affects of the chemo.etc.  But for now , I'm ok, but I don't have anything to wrap my life around  :-(  

    Don't have any familiy . My bro doesn't pay any attention to me and he lives in another state.

    My step kids are nice to me, but they live in another state.

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