    Do Muslims use toilet paper?

    +3  Views: 1563 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago

    16 Answers

    It depends on what country you are asking about, some countries or towns don't have toilet paper available. Some countries use other things, toilet paper is a luxury in India. You shouldn't eat at restaurants, only 60% of their employees wash their hands after using the latrine/bathroom, outhouse etc.. That's a real statistic check it out on the web.


    I don't buy that statistic. Although there is really no way to monitor employees in a restroom I do believe that the better restaurants enforce this.

    A few years ago i was with a party of friends, we went into an 'ethnic' restaurant, I went to the restroom first, as i was there, i saw a worker with an apron on come from the toilet stall wiping his hands on the apron and went right out the door without washing.. I promptly told my party we were leaving. I would hate not going to a nice restaurant due to a paranoia about something like this.. i agree it does happen but sometimes its best not to know what we don't want to know..

    I think the report I read was 64% to be exact, but you know how polls are, never exact just estimates and there are opposing polls that have different opinions. This one was on fast food restaurants I believe, it was a while back and not fresh in my memory.

    I have reason to believe that the "ethnic" apron wiper totally agreed with you. He's now the president and CEO of a major high tech company. Where's the subject apron? It's still being continuously wiped by the newer "ethnic" kitchen workers. Yep, they love to recycle! ....and oh yes, he now hires exclusively non-ethnic help to keep his food clean.

    Thank you Chi.
    I do believe that 'some' traditional ones living in the middle east still practice traditional hygiene. (none) I do not think that stereotyping all Muslims is fair to those Muslims that are not traditional and living in a period 2000 years ago.

    As one person said.. 'do you use a corncob?' well, at one time this was the procedure especially in the southern farmlands of the USA, as well as 'Sears Catalogs'.. I hardly think this is true today.. waddia think? Time to move on and quit stereotyping??

    I hope they did not believe in recycling corncobs in the pioneer days. Ditto with the catalogs.
    lets put it this way i wouldn't shake hands with them especialy if their a lefty!
    I now one that did, my father.
    Shaking hands with anyone handling toilet paper is subject to and contingent upon the contents disposed onto the hu-flung-dung 3-ply Charmin and if his hands are subsequently and adequately washed in the Euphrates River.


    Thank you for your reply,I have never been to Iran, or read the book, not even sure it is in UK, or Ireland. I have lived in Morocco, Turkey, and Tunisia, thoes are the countrys I was referring too.Bit unfair to tarnish all Muslim countrys on one book from Iran.

    I find these replys very unfair.  I lived for three yrs in Muslim countrys, and ate out often, never seen any lack of cleanness, or lack of toilet paper.


    In Iran, they think nothing of ants crawling in and out of their sugar for tea. Read the book '' Not without my Daughter '' It's like a documentary . When the women in Iran sneeze, they wipe their nose on the inside of their hood.
    Is the pope a catholic.

    Does the Pope shit in the woods?
    The very long pinky nail is a Chinese custom indicating the owner is not a manual worker, thus high status.
    Nothing to do with Moslems

    Try and tell a Lebanese he's really a Chinese.

    I thought the long pinky was used for snorting cocaine.
    yes. what do you use, corncob?

    Cheaper to use a dog to do the job?
    Yes, they only wipe the seat. Have you ever looked at their left hand. On males and females the pinky finger has a very long finger nail on it while all the others are very short. I suppose it's used for scraping. Finger lickin' good.

    Eggy,Eggy,Eggy!!!...Too much information! Yucky!!!

    Next time, take notice of the hands, especially the left.

    that's a little rough eggie, they will think aussie's are uncouth. lol.

    I assumed the long nail was for picking their nose.

    Knock it off. I just ate. And this isn't the 5th grade !!

    I feel sorry for the poor forensic guy who does autopsies on these one-long-nailed deceased. He must be going nuts trying preserve what little crap left in the pinky finger in order to look for an "un-sub" who also has the same-looking pinky finger.
    Most developed big cities in all countries have toilet paper. But, for those that live out in the country with self made mud and straw huts, the woods is their bathroom and they all have worms. They use leaves to wipe with .

    watch out for poison ivy and snakes.ha ha.

    Therefore, for hygiene purposes, Kentucky Fried Chicken's "finger lickin' good" commercials should immediately be banned in these countries?  We are not going to encourage them to wipe, swipe, and lick, right?

    they do use toilet paper but everytime they use the toilet they must wash them selves thats wee and poo

    Maybe shaking hands isn't part of their culture in the in Japan. They don't shake hands upon the first meeting. The hold their hands in a prayer like posture and bow slightly, and say '' HO ''

    "HO" ?

    Strange, Americans love saying 'ho as well, as in my 'ho. And yes, they occasionally hold hands here too while saying 'ho!

    Ablutions prior to prayer are part of the Muslim religion, so I don't see how we can accuse them of unclean practices.

    Muslims joke that Christians only wash once- when they are baptised !


    Hahaha. It may be true. When I was going to school in the midwest, I encountered students that bathed only once in a blue moon, especially when it's very cold. The scent can be overwhelming as well.
    to Chiangmai---your comment makes no sense ??

    I agree it makes no sense, unless you are from the south side of Chicago.

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