Ma,are you out of your mind. Don't you understand the most basic rule of US Presidency is to be a US born citizen?
Yes! Evidence of his non-christian beliefs occur routinely. Moreover, he is not an American citizen.
24 Answers
Forget Muslim, IS HE AN AMERICAN?
14 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Thats what I'm allways trying to say to everyone if he is even an American? probably not because he had really hard time showing publicly his birth certificate which I still havent seen
What happened to the newly elected Governor of Hawaii's pledge to produce the birth certificate to end the controversy once and for all?
Well whaddya know, he couldn't find it. Funny, the Obama loving left wing media let that little discrepancy pass without a follow through.
Yes he is a muslim, because when he lived in Indonesia he went to muslim school where they prepare islamic imams (its like pastors). I have a lots of muslim friends and one theing they allways tell me is that: Once you are a muslim you are allways a muslim!!!
14 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
People can change their religon, if they want, unless they are the radical Muslim. They have their own beliefes, which are very strong. Their are different groups of christains also, which are the same, with their own beliefs.
Oh for Gods sake, why don't you people drop this stupid nonsense. Any informed person knows this is absurde. The only way someone can ask a question like this is to try and stir things up. It's one thing to disagree with a persons politics, but another to keep making rediculous assertions when they have been addressed over and over again. To make some of the comments that you all do indicates people that aren't sericous about politics or you would discuss the issues seriously instead of ranting about things that make you seems less than intelligent.
14 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Zorro, are you aware of the extensive background investigation that a US Presidential candidate undergos. Apparently not. I can only assume you are not a US citizen because that is one of the most basic of the US Constitution. Or maybe you never went to school or never bothered to read it.
Just a prime example the majority of america doesnt care about morals when electing a president. Now anybody can become president and not worry about their past and /or friends when running for office. Im giving you a big thumbs up bigben
Oh my goodness. All we are worried about is the darned HST and we voted that out. I think your president is Christian....any way he actually works for you (he is paid with tax dollars) so why doesn't someone just ask him?
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Hahahahaha! He'll only admit to it AFTER he is no longer president with an agenda to destroy democracy and the Christian God.
Maybe Canada could use some excitement. You guys are having a ball.
Send Obama over here...we can will be fun.
<a href="/users/6853/bigotbegone/">@bigotbegone</a> - Kodos! This is anti-Obama paranoia, hate and fear of the man, and constantly on the attack mode!!!
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
<a href="/users/997/spaceghost/">@Spaceghost</a> - I believe someone have removed our votes! bigotbegone is zero, likewise with me. Strange!!!
I see that bigotbegone, matheneyg and IamPamela313 responses had a great impact!
<a href="/users/2217/daren1/">@daren1</a> - Are you asking this question because you want to know if Obama is a Muslim or if he is a Muslim would it make a difference to you?
2nd TERM...all the way!!!
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
<a href="/users/2217/daren1/">@daren1</a> - Good Answer! You said... it personally don't make a difference to you, and I'm pretty sure it personally don't make a difference to America as we know and love!!!
perhaps both yes i want to know if in deeed he is a muslim, would it make a differance to me personally no, but what about america as we know and love it. would it make a differance then ,i guess were finding out .
From what I recall, Mr Hope and Change didn't distance himself from the Rev Wright until his handlers told him it was best to. Funny how a man and his wife can go to a church and NOT KNOW about the vile the good Reverend preached all those years. Won't matter. Obama will be gone after ONE TERM. Thank GOD!
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
again, yes he is a muslim. Why else would visit his homeland, have a muslim dinner at white house during ramadan. I wonder if the rev wright gave the pre dinner prayer , or a muslim . Ill just bet they didnt have pork. Him saying he is a christian is a crock of S@^T. I dont trust him or his friends, Ayers, Wright, and other chicago thugs.
14 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
If he is so what . He was elected the President of the United States and until he is no longer the President He is YOUR and My President Like him or not He is the President And deserves all the Respect Due of the Office And thats the way it is Friday March 25 2011
Good Evening
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Fine. He has my respect. Mr Obama, if your reading this, will you PLEASE show the world your birth certificate so this controversy can be cleared up once and for all. Thank You
Nope. President Obama is a Christian and was part of a congregation in Chicago who's minister was lambasted by everyone from NPR to Fox news for comments made during the presidential election campaigning. Mr. Obama immediately distanced himself from the minister, but his opponents nevertheless tried to make it an issue to derail the Obama campaign.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
You are correct about it taking a few days. Although Mr. Obama tried to distance himself almost immediately from the comments, it did take a few days before he actually did pull himself from the quagmire. But Mr. Obama ultimately did denounce the minister.
Not exactly immediately, remember he said it would be like disowning a father. It took him a while.
He practices Paganism as all presidents do, and Obama's origins are from the royal family and is a distant cousin of Louis the 16th. In order to be a president of the United States it is a prerequisite that you are related to the Royal family. There have been few exceptions to this rule through out history, J.F.K. was one.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
jayawhy, that is the most ignorant answer to the question I have ever heard. I hope you go on about your belief about the prerequisit to be related to Royal family. I just want everyone to see your ignorance of US law. I can only suspect that you are not a UA citizen or else you somehow avoided an education in the US.
wow. white america is terribly terribly paranoid and bigoted. It is frightening to hear such digusting rhetoric continually spewed. we simply need to allow the man to preside. As white americans, you truly embarrass yourselves and this country. please leave. i simply cannot wave my flag high
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Hey man its not about race or color here we talking about, doesnt matter what color or race you are if you are good person who cares about people the American people and cares about his country then you are a good person. We are talking about Obama being muslim and not black ok!!!
i agree with andrew it dosen't matter if he were the color of a baboons ass waving a rainbow flag, the question remains the same!!!
Indeed! Wake up people and recognize that America has placed a Muslim and socialist in the White House. Has nothing to do with race. Obamavich is not an American and is a terrible representative of American power. We have lost our way. Wisdom has receded leaving our future in the hands of walking feces.
I like your question Daren1 and I will give you thumbs up!!!