2 Answers
ADHD: The H stands for hyperactivity. In the classroom setting, an ADHD child may cause terrible problems for the teacher. They bounce all over the room and their attention span is zero unless they are doing something that they really like. These things come to mind: Acting, Dancing, Math, Teaching, E R doctors, pilots. It's very good and very bad and complicated.
ADD is the same but the ADD child may not be noticed in the classroom. They are quiet and not so active with their body.
I am ADD and I got my diagnosis at about 45. What a blessing for me. I was lucky that the doctor didn't pin a crazy label on me. I took Adderal for a couple of years and studied my problem on a site much like this one. There are many ADHD men in prison. If they'd had a dx, their life could have been real different. The ADHD treatment is the same.
I didn't mean to talk so much ... That's ADD for you.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |