    i ask you conceriing my 2 yr old son has serious problem of playing with his pennis could it be a health problem

    what else can i say i was told it is a series priblem

    +1  Views: 813 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago

    16 Answers

    Most children have an interest in their genitals. This is not a serious problem unless a parents makes it one. There are no health issues related to this activity. A child should not be scolded for this behavior as it is perfectly normal behavior. If a parent feels it is necessary to address the behavior, it would be best to inform the child that it's not polite to behave this way in front of other people, it is best done in privacy.

    I agree. We live in such an uptight society. It's his body. Let him experiment.
    Quite normal.
    Don't worry, grown men still do it.
    The child may have a urinary tract infection or a rash of some type if he is still in diapers/pullups. He could have an irritation to the detergent his clothing are being washed in or an allergy to the soap he uses for his bath.
    I would not make a big deal out of it but would take him to this doctor just to make sure.
    Little boys (and big ones) play with their penis because it feels good. Nothing new here.
    Shoot, I never stopped playing with mine and I'm 56 now.
    Nothing is wrong with your son.
    Your son will go through periods in his life when SOMEONE ELSE will take care of his noodle but sooner or later (after he gets married) he will come to the realization that his penis is his ONLY friend.


    You are killing me.

    ;) Just being honest Chia.
    Firstly, I'm not quite sure what you mean by saying "serious".
    Secondly, While this is usually considered a developmentally normal behaviour, it would be good to make sure nothing else is going on.

    I wondered about the word "serious" too. Sure boys (and girls) masturbate or play with themselves. But its doctor stuff when a knowing parent says "serious"
    Whenever you see him doing this, send him to the bathroom to wash his hands. He'll get tired of washing his hands and stop playing with his pecker.
    If it keeps getting bigger and longer, leave it alone. He's 12 years ahead of everybody.

    Don't be perverse.
    i was told it has somethingto do with blood control going down to hie penis and it ie serious

    Take him to his pediatrician then if you're so concerned. 6dogs is right. All children do this.

    just to relieve your mind, take him to the doc to make sure there is no infection. Look at it yourself. Is it red or irritated? Is his urine the right color? The little boy across the street (9yrs old) still plays with his or is always moving it around. I asked him what's up with that and he smiled and went about his business, hands on penis as usual. His mom said the doc said he'll get the idea to do it in private in good time.

    That sounds like BS.It's normal.HE's 2!
    Ignore it because if you don't it will only get worse.

    As you have been told it is serious, it best you take child to Doctor.
    potty train the child. every time he mess with it put him on the potty. boys do that when they have to pee

    Really? what do girls do? stick a finger in it???

    yup. they reach down there too.

    Can't it be something as simple as, he's 2 and is fascinated that this thing attached to his body is sensitive to the touch?

    He is just exploring.......perfectly normal, never scold a child for doing this.

    Hasn't he put his finger in his nose yet, lol


    or even in his own poo-poo. yuck

    Little girls ( and big girls ) play with their genitals too.

    it's not a big deal when he's only 2; unless he's wearing the poor thing out----like giving it rashes.  The important thing is--------He should be taught that ---that's something he should only do at home, in his room, or in the bathroom. ...........and to not make a marathon out of it.

    I sugest that it's you who has the problem if you're worried about a kid touching his wee friend!

    He's getting a 'grip' on life early--- He's fine! 

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