    If you could find out exactly what day and time you were going to die, would you want to know, or would you rather not?

    If you could see into the future and find out exactly when, how and where you were going to die, would you want to know?

    If you knew you couldn't change the results even if you knew, you could only know what day and what time, would you still want to know?

    +3  Views: 558 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    It is breaking us knowing that my dad is going to die. I wouldnt want to life like that. He is so scared. Scared to be alone, scared to leave the house... Scared this time will be the last time he sees us. I would not want to know.

    Thanks for sharing Jenn, my dad(birth father) is in the hospital, my aunt called me yesterday and things didn't sound good. I spoke with him today and he's much, much, better. He may even be released tomorrow.

    He does have a lot of friends to look after him where he lives, and were not really close, but I still worry about him.

    I know you do.. You have a beautiful heart.. I am so glad you share it with us. I wil be praying fo him. Lots of Love.
    I wouldn't want to know,because you would be living the rest of your time upset and depressed,waiting for the big day.Especially if you were told its sooner rather than later.
    Personally, I wouldn't want to know, I would just try to live the best I could each day. But maybe if I did know I would live my life a little differently.
    i wouldn't want to know, best to live each day like it's your last any how that way your prepared.
    I'd want to know so I could make sure all things were taken care of and good-byes made to those I care about.
    Eight years ago I worked away from home and called my wife every night. One night I said something I now regret, and the next morning she died of a sudden heart attack. If I had known, I would have been there.
    Personally I would find it most inconvenient if that time was anytime before 6PM.That's dinner time for me.So for that reason alone I wouldn't want to know.
    I do not want to know. It would cause great anxiety. I live one day at a time.
    My Uncle has a heart valve problem and knows the end is near or that it could be any day now. He hasn't changed a thing except for quitting smoking (I believe).

    The night my Mom died the nurse told me she had a month or more to go. I remember I felt like I wanted to kill her for telling me that. I would have stayed the night if I had not talked to her. I should have followed my heart. So, I think I would rather not know. The only reason I would want to know would be so I could have my family with me. But if I knew, I know I would dwell on it. So for me it's probably best I don't know.

    I know how you feel, I was about 12 when my stepdad/Dad died and I missed it going to the airport to pick up my uncle, but I believe things happen for a reason.

    I don't know if I could have handled seeing him die.?
    Thanks for the personal comment.

    Thanks Leeroy, I think your right 12 is really young to see someone die especially your stepdad/Dad. I also believe things happens for a reason. Although I was really angry, I did end up spending the night with my oldest son. I believe he need me more then I needed to be with my Mom. I think my Mom would feel that way too.
    I wouldn't want to know the date and time of my own death. For me, everything would be in preparation for the big event. Oh! I would hate to know.

    Yes, it sure would change peoples behavior, or so you would think.

    Personally...after reading all the answers before all have extremely good points...I was with my Mom and Dad when they died along with a couple friends...they did seem to know they were close to death...all of them...strange though, they were somewhat coherent irregardless of the drugs in their systems or the life support and all towards the end...I believe they call that "the last hurrah"...they all also seemed at peace with their own passing..actually a beatiful thing to see as their faces relaxed and lit up kind of...hard to relate to all of you...although I believe someone besides myself has observed this with loved ones of their own...I'm getting off track however...actually I would not mind knowing...that way you can prepare and also make peace with yourself or whomever you needed to also make peace with...I have said on here in a previous similar question that what worries me is the "way" I'll die!...not when...enough said...(:

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