    legal question , the sun in my backyard is blocked by my next door neighbour trees, is there anything I can do to have the trees removed? I am not talking about one or two trees , her backyard is a forest

    +4  Views: 1331 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: legal trees

    7 Answers

    For legal question, get legal advice, that way you cant go wrong.
    i know in my state you do have the right to cut whatever treelimbs extend over your property line although every state could be differant, check with your town ordinances to be sure. as far as the trees on your neighbors property you could be out of luck their!
    I have the same problem (Here in Qld).Not much you can do except approach your neighbour.
    I have the same problem. The neighbors trees are quite near the property line and they will not cut or prune the trees although I could cut the overhanging limbs. I know the roots extended under the fence and into my sewer lines as clearing the roots has become necessary. I considered calling in a back hoe to cut a trench along the line. But that would result in the trees falling on their house the first time a windy day came along and I would probably be libel. I’m still puzzled about this but I picked up 500 pounds of potassium nitrate fertilizer at a police auction cheap and have been considering fertilizing the property line…in theory if the trees get really big fast the neighbor will see the trees as a hazard and cut them down, but you can’t count on a neighbors intelligence.
    In the United Sates, you only have the right to trim branches hanging over onto your property line; it's illegal to cut or kill anything on your neighbor's side. That sounds like quite a forest over there. You could "make lemonade out of lemons" and put bird baths and feeders in your back yard so you can enjoy the wildlife. Other than that, you could ask your neighbor to thin out the trees.

    I gather you are in the USA the laws are different than here I gather I would aproach you next door neighbour first and if you dont get any where I would ask the council (dont know what your name would be) as with the changes in everyone needs light and helping the enviroment with putting lights on ect I think you have a good case if they wont listen see a lawer and do mention the trees they can be a hazzard near property they roots can do real bad damage to your house point this out as well

    No. If your property is in danger of a tree possibly falling on it, perhaps. Trees that block sunlight from shinning down on a roof will eventually cause damage to the shingles and ultimately cause premature failure. A roof must be exposed to sunlight  to burn off the moisture accumulated during the evening hours or mold will form and cause a roof problem.

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