7 Answers
Ugh. I hate that it keeps turning into a race. Karma needs to be spread around more. There are a lot of people here who have great valid answers but get ignored. I try to keep up with everyone. Sorry to those I miss.
I actually asked the admins to cap karma at 100K so these "races" would not happen.
I actually asked the admins to cap karma at 100K so these "races" would not happen.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
i agree it's really not a race it's about helping people and having fun. but i think we all enjoy getting karma.
I will admit I do like to see someone (if not the person who asked the question) appreciate an answer I took time to look up for them or give them from my own experience and learning. I just see so many who give good answers but only get one TU for it. Since I no longer have to spend so much time moderating, I'm taking more time trying to keep up and TU deserving answers.
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