    With my white hair and bargining dispositon I am often referred to as "the Silver Fox". Should I change from Peoplelover to Silver Fox?

    +11  Views: 756 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    You can change your name to what ever you want but you will always be lovebug to me.

    what is a crawler?

    Jenn in Australia we refer to someone who says things to get into someones favour a crawler.

    In others words someone who sucks up to some one, so bulletman infered you were a crawler because you said I would always be Lovebug to you. I found Lovebug to you as being very sweet and gave me a warm fuzzy. If you don`t know what a warm fuzzy is it is that nice feeling you get when someone makes you feel good.

    I know warm and fuzzy very well. And I was not sucking up... You once asked what you should change your name to... I said Love Bug. I have called you love bug ever since. Bulletman is just jealous because I have not given him a nick name yet.... LOL... LOve you Bulletman! You too Love bug.
    Your hair changed, not you. You are a people lover, stay that way!
    I don't think so, we like you just the way you are, I don't think everyone will be able to keep track of you. It would be like Budwiser changing their name to golden delicious beer.

    You have a brand name that we all associate you with, of course it's up to you.

    Thanks Leeroy, I take your point.
    I might stay as sweet as I am.

    No problemo, great Q&A by you keep up the good work and sense of humor.
    Maybe a compromise Foxlover,I don't think Silver people would work.LMAO
    People Lover is good,it must mean you love people.My name is some what the same,as i love snakes.

    I am afraid of snakes. Even the word. I'll just call you, Lover, I;m not a crawler.

    OK ..sounds fair enough to me, lol
    I like peoplelover - it's got a ring to it - keep it!
    Are you foxy?
    no! don't be stupid, THE SILVER BILBY is much better, or the Silver banana better still The Silver Cane Toad, lol. ----- you can't go past Peoplelover, keep it.
    if we all changed our name because our hair color changed, we`d all be silver fox!

    KEEP your name peoplelover I picked mine whovin because I like DOCTOR WHO and other science fiction shows and movies ""


    Thank you for the thumb ups
    Stay as you are, PEOPLELOVER !!!!! FOREVER.
    If I wanted to be proper I'd change to "It is I." Keep your name.

    Sounds a bit posh , but gramaticaly correct none the less.

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