    second baby shower for second baby now days

    0  Views: 425 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    I found the cutest little hand made slippers in a farmer's market the other day... I only wish I had a new born to buy for.  Far too cute!


    One shower is as good as another...  apply "FLAIR!" and you will be fine!


    It is all about the BABY!

    There's no rule, as far as I know. It's really up to the person who wants to host the baby shower whether or not there will be one. 
    I had 3 kids and one baby shower.  Fortunately, all my kids were boys.   We got what we needed as we went along,...bottles, pacifiers, diapers.  However, I have been to 3 baby showers for my son's "girlfriend", one for each baby. Boy, what a lot of clothes. 
    Honestly, I don't think you can ever have enough diapers, wipes, bottles, onesies, and stuff for a new baby.   


    I always get diapers for a 6 month old (or certain pounds) as a baby shower gift. Most of the gifts people get are for newborns. The stuff only last a few months then the parent/s have to go shopping to buy for an older baby. It's good to have diapers for an older baby on hand because a baby has a way of growing over night. One day, the diaper fits, the next day, it's too small.

    Absolutely a much appreciated gift! And the mom buys them for my son once in a the case.

    I'm going to a baby shower on Saturday! Any size pack of diapers enters you into a drawing for free gas card for 25.00 dollars! A neat MAYBE prize for guests!

    Yep diapers are beyond exciting. You can definitely put one of them in a memory box... woot!

    When I worked at a pre-school, we had a baby shower for a woman that already had 2 boys. It's not unusual for a baby shower to occur,for a mother who already has 3 or 4 kids .

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