    What is your greatest fear?

    Real or imagined

    0  Views: 1206 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: fears

    could it be possible, "that what we fear we draw near"


    Absotively cukie!

    7 Answers

    Today, that the former head moderator will darken akaQA again, with her destructive and biased agenda 


    I take it that you did not always agree with her,i meant them,,O,L,L,

    I agreed with some things, but not hounding people about faith or gay rights.

    she over powered the forum. it's so much more peaceful now.

    Yes, it is. Juliana.

    What makes you think she'll return after all this time ?

    ROMOS made a comment a couple weeks ago. He was probably kidding, but....
    I can just imagine her reading every Q, A, and comment, ranting and suspending, saliva foaming like a rabid dog, and dribbling down....oh, I'm sorry, I've said too much.

    My greatest fear is being alone in my old age and dying alone . 


    I used to be afraid of that but my fear included a shopping cart ! Oh dear ... there truly is nothing to fear but fear itself MCM. Have no worries hon!!

    thx for the encouragement, Lindi .



    No need to fear. Just say NO to bad. That's what all atheists do.

    Not making it to heaven..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    A-HA ! So THAT"S why you behave like a good person. I knew there was some ulterior motive behind it all.
    Me...I'm just a good guy cuz...I'm a good guy.
    terryfossil 1

    Self praise is no recommendation Digger..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Forgetiing or being forgotten

    Not going to heaven upon my death. Think I'm fine, but this is one subject we should never take for granted. Salvation comes through belief in Jesus and the blood he shed for our sins on that 'old rugged cross.'


    I pity all the millions of Muslins, Hindus and all other non-Christians of the world for having been born in the wrong place at the wrong time or for having made the conscious decision that it's all a crock of...

    Dieing in a FIRE. I am an absolute fanatic over fire safety. The first thing I do when I enter a restaurant is make myself aware of where the fire exits are. Its something WE ALL should do and pass down to others.


    Cannot believe there is somebody out there who has the exact same fear as me!!!

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