    What is the difference between further and farther

    +4  Views: 698 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    FARTHER denotes physical advancement in distance.

    FURTHER denotes advancement to greater degree, as in time.

    The correct answers to the above examples follow:

    It is farther down the road. (For distance physically traveled.)

    You read further in the book. (To a greater degree than where you are now.)

    You further your education. (To a greater degree than what you have now.)

    Farther means "more distant" and is usually measurable.
    Further means to a greater extent or degree.

    "Further" is used more often than "Farther."

    The words ‘farther’ and ‘further’ are two words in every day usage and it is very easy to get confused. These two words are simple too. However, an erroneous usage of the two might result in a serious derailment of the whole script affecting the very quality of the writing. Hence, it is imperative that one should be proficient enough in using these terms.

    The term ‘farther’ denotes something that is distant in space. It notates physical advancement. However, ‘further’ as an adverb means an advancement in time. It also means something additional to the present. When you use ‘further’ as a verb, it refers to the act of advancing something. ‘Further’ is more abstract and cannot be considered as describing a physical or tangible entity.

    As mentioned earlier, ‘farther’ refers to an actual physical distance. When you use farther, you can actually measure the extent of its distance. It can be felt and observed. It can be seen and felt.

    ‘Further’ does not give any definite concept of distance that can be seen and learned. Because of its very abstract nature, the term can be used figuratively too. This can be explained with the example of a sentence. ‘She moved further in her career path with countless victories to her credit.’ In this sentence, the distance that the term ‘further’ is referring to cannot actually be measured in terms of centimeters or kilometers as it has been used metaphorically.

    I think it to far for me to see the difference?and what if I can't remember how far it is? Then what? is it further?
    ones far and ones not far enough
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