    What is a good thing to do for activites if you are a summer kids camp coordinator

    +3  Views: 1744 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
    ed shank

    Great question.

    5 Answers

    All sports, volley ball, softball, brown ball, golf, etc; Canoeing, water relays, arts and crafts. Promote competition. Encourage a "Team" spirit. Reward "Effort", not necessarily winning but the collective effort. I volunteered to be a counselor at a bible camp one summer for two weeks, and had one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. We all cried saying good bye.

    thats cool something i'd love to do!
    ed shank

    Just got teary eyed thinking about it.

    great comment, ed! :-)
    Our Personal Favorite "Guaranteed Fun" Games for Camp

    Large Group Games
    Before you get started, check out our "Attention Getters" article.

    Alaskan Baseball
    Capture the Flag
    Star Wars

    Team Building Activities
    These initiatives are great for a wide range of campers and adults - most can be age-adapted.

    Traffic Jam
    Speed Pass
    Helium Stick
    People Machine

    Tag, you're it!
    The perfect way to get everyone moving. You can adapt any game so no one needs to be "out."

    Amoeba Tag
    Everybody's It
    Toilet Tag
    Slow Motion Tag
    Meltdown Tag

    Favorite Random Fun Camp Actvities
    Well, we just didn't know where to list these fun camp ideas, so here you go...

    Charades Down the Lane
    Bed Sheet Ping Pong
    Pencil in the bottle
    Marshmallow Shooter
    Celebrity Bingo

    Ice Breakers
    A must for the first day of camp! Great to encourage discussions with your campers at night.

    Silent Interviews
    People-to-People Twister

    Indoor or Rainy Day Games
    It never rains at Camp, only Heavy Dew!!! For indoors or close quarters...

    Huckle Buckle Beanstalk
    Honey if you love me
    Minute Mysteries I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

    Quickes & Fillers
    Got a minute to pass? Need something quick to do - these propless games are perfect!

    Ah So Koh
    Scream Machine
    Hand Game
    Snake's Tail
    Butt Wars

    For the fun of it!!!
    Children spend so much time winning or losing - well, let's just play for the fun of it!!!

    Ha Ha Ha
    Sally's Green Glass Doors
    Triangle Tag
    Auto Trip

    Links of Interest

    Scouting Web
    Junkyard Sports
    Dividing into Groups
    Fun and Games
    Carpetball Plans
    Ropes Online
    Australian Scouting
    Lots of great camp and experiential learning resources. Our personal favorite!
    Comprehensive Girl Scout Resources
    Bernie DeKoven's games site - Bernie has an interesting outlook on youth activities
    Well, it's about dividing into groups...
    Youth Activities for summer programs, youth groups, birthday parties, etc.
    Free plans for a very cool game that you can build for your program.
    A great resource for ropes course and adventure education.
    Really comprehensive Scouting resource site

    Here is an example of one of the web-pages I found. Hope this helps, have a great summer.
    On the third day at camp, it rained with terrific intensity so 30 kids trapped in the break room with three ping-pong tables, benches, chairs no paddles and a broken soda fountain set up. Everyone was moaning the blues and we had no idea when it would clear. The adults were in their building as the world outside turned into a sea of Texas mud. I was looking through the cabinets in the soda fountain area and came across a couple of boxes of soda straws. So I took them to the ping-pong table and used the soda straw to blow the ball across the table. A kid on the the side of the tab caught the ball and tossed it back at me. It rolled back and I asked him to pull up a chair and blow it back at me, handing him a soda straw. He was reluctant and tried to beg off when I asked him if he really wanted to be bored. He caved and sat down and passively returned the ball. I blew hard and off the table it went and pretty soon the table had 10 kids sitting around blowing the ping-pong ball across the table, then the other two tables filled up with kids moving benches and getting their games started. We were all having a great time as the storm outside raged on and lightening was all around us. The camp directors came in and we didn’t even notice until we got one through the other sides wind. There they were, wet adults lined up exhausted by their heroic run with their mouths open and shocked that they had not found a room full of crying frightened children.
    Here's a site you can check our or just do a google search on your question there are plenty of suggestions available on-line.

    Ideas for Summer Camp Activities & Games
    Free Descriptions of Camp Activities & Games (Recommended Links) Mega-List of ... of ready made scavenger hunts prepared by a well experienced Summer Camp Director and fun ... - Cached
    What about the good ol marshmallows on a stick round the camp fire.

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