    health question

    feet craps it starts in one then goes to both
    not just muscles of the feet but the tendons also
    cramp up it is excruciating

    +4  Views: 709 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Add some potassium to your diet, such as bananas.

    You are right; this is either a potassium or magnesium deficiency, so multi-vitamins would also help.
    I have the same problem. Some say tonic water helps, but I am not sure.
    If you find a solution, please post it here.
    Try socking your feet in hot water to ease the pain,than get someone to message your feet to get the blood circulate,if all fail go to your Dr.
    You need to see a physician and get some lab work done.
    What is your calcium level?
    Magnesium level?
    Vitamin B-12 level? (this is most important if you are taking medications for grastric reflux as the medicine stops absorption of B-12)
    Do you have a circulatory problem?
    Hope you get some help soon, I know how painful your problem can be>
    You need to see a doctor.
    Go to your Chemist and buy some Crampex tablets - they do work.
    As a first aid measure, when the cramp occurs, try to stretch your toes and feet in the opposite direction of the cramp. It's tough, but it helps you pretty quickly.

    And yes, the others are right - you might have deficiency of certain nutrients. That's something you should check out together with your doctor.

    Additionally, you can do light exercises for your feet:
    a) Sit down, lift your feet off the ground and slowly draw circles with them. The circling motion comes from the ankles. Rotate inwards as well as outwards.
    b) In the same position, and again by moving your ankles, move your feet up and down (flex and stretch).
    Do not overstrain your muscles. Excercise like for 5 mins, maybe two or three times a day.

    Try relaxing foot baths from time to time (eg with fresh Rosmary branches or Rosmary extract).

    Good luck,

    I have perepheral nueropathy,apart from prescription drugs magnesium powder from the chemist mixed in water to drink helps and tastes o.k

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