    What is the best way to measure for a bra?

    I tried to follow the method in an underwear catalog but it made no sense. Are there many different ways? Which are the best?

    +4  Views: 813 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Go here:,901,30.html
    E XO

    Colleen, Thanks for your support (oohh, was that a bad bra joke - sorry) I can take a joke as well as the next person, but I should have known a bra question would have brought out all of the juvenile "boob" jokes. Thanks for taking me seriously; it was a legitimate question and you're correct that this is a Q&A site, not Comedy Central. Some took it just a little too far.

    They're actually a great group of guys but they are guys, lol I hope they didn't scare you off. Come back anytime. We love getting new members and you are allowed to cyber smack the men here, just be careful, some of them actually like that:)

    Usually in big stores, where braws are sold, sales assistant will measure , for ur correct size, well they do in UK.
    Better watch it or they're going to ask me to come back as moderator again ;)

    The point of akaQA is to give people valid answers not to assault them with sexist jokes so they never come back.
    Go down to the local hardware shop.I'm sure the guys there can tell your size.LOL :).
    my wife insist that the best way of getting measured for her bra is for me to .......... Well seriously the best way is to go to the mall and find the bra store ,ie Lady Bryant and ask the woman to measure u and fit u right in the store. That is what she is there for/ let her wrap the tape around u and figure it all out. You will then find a truly great fitting over the shoulder boulder houlder. aka the best bra eva

    daren, sounds like, you be great at that job, just up your street. lol
    If i remember you measure under the boobs for the bra size? - then over the top of the boobs for cup size?. Remember doing it for my wife once.

    just once?
    Go to a good undewear shop and they will measure if you have Marks&Sencer depending what Country your in good luck
    Put you hand in the hand of the man that walk on water?

    How does this help? Since you guys can't handle bra questions, please do not try. I already removed one useless answer.

    what can't take a joke?

    This is not a joke. Maybe the person who asked can't take a joke. We are a question/answer site first. Comedy central last.

    Were you leading to a Miracle Bra Joke? Or was it a water bra comment?

    I was just singing a song,couldn't help myself,the devil made me do it, You know when you loose control,I though the quest was and dump on the site.
    E XO

    What does that mean "I though the quest was and dump on the site"? Note for edit: I want the writer of this to explain what he or she was trying to say. PLEASE proofread your comments before you send them.

    I met to say it was dump of me,to comment on this quest.
    Sorry for living.

    facebook, do you mean dumb? Dump is not making sense. So you thought the question was dumb for being posted here? Well I guess if you're young in mind, you would get an embarrassed snicker out of it. It's no different that the time the guy posted and asked what kind of underwear he should be wearing so his balls wouldn't get pinched. Men and women alike handled that question just fine and answered it without going sexist and saying it was dumb to post that here. ;)

    OK.Colleen!Got your message "I'm dump that the way God made me"so be it.b/w I said it was dump of me ans a ques
    with a sense of humor,or a joke as you say.
    Have a "BOOB INSPECTOR" examine you and tell you your correct bra size.

    I happen to be a qualified BOOBOLIGIST and work for free.

    You crack me up !
    Leeroy, now that was funny - the Miracle Bra or water bra joke about the "put your hand in the hand, walk on water" comment. What was that all about anyway??

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