    how to set up reminders on outlook calendar

    0  Views: 160 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer


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    Select the day of the month you would like a reminder set for. Once you have opened the calendar tab, in the lower left corner, on Microsoft Outlook double click on the date the activity is occurring on. An untitled event will open. On the untitled event screen you can choose the specific parameters you need for that event reminder. The can input information including subject, location, and the start and end time of the event. From there you can invite attendees and select the importance of the event.
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    Enter the title and time for the event. On the untitled event you can enter the title for the event under the Subject field and you can also input the activities location. The subject is what will be shown on the calendar. You can select what time the activity begins and ends. To enter a start and end time deselect the all day event option by clicking it and choose the desired time from the fields. The time will be listed before the subject on the calendar screen.
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    Set the reminder time. On the event screen you can choose how far in advance you would like to receive the reminder. There are several options available that start at 0 minutes and go up to 2 weeks in advance. Set the reminder so that you will have enough time to complete the task once the reminder is received. You can set the reminder to play a sound as well by clicking on the sound button and selecting it from a list.
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    Choose whether or not the reminder should recur. You can set events in the Microsoft Outlook calendar to recur according to your needs. With the event open click on the “Recurrence” button located near the top of the screen. From there you can choose from a vast array of recurrence options including daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly and format the specific day as well. For instance you can tell the event to recur every Monday or every second Monday of the month.
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    Save the event. Once you have selected all of the specific details for your event click on the “Save and Close” button in the upper left corner. You will see the event listed on the calendar. If you set the event to recur, every recurrence will be listed under their specific dates. The reminders will pop up when you open the Microsoft Outlook Program. You can set the reminders to show later when the reminder screens open or you can dismiss them.

    Read more: How to Set Reminders on Microsoft Outlook Calendars |

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