    Is there evidence beyond reasonable doubt that Jesus Christ was Ressurrected from the dead?

    In light of the recent controversy over the Casey Anthony trial about "reasonable doubt", I was wondering if some of the people who believe there was plenty of evidence to conclude Casey guilty would also conclude that there is plenty of evidence to conclude Jesus Christ risen from the dead?

    Evidence includes:

    1) Empty tomb, body missing while a Roman guard stood by. Remains never found.

    2) Eight written Eye witness testimonies of men who seen Jesus alive. Men who suffered greatly for what they said with nothing to gain but pain and suffering, even death could not make them retract their testimony.

    I wonder if there had been eight eye witnesses saying they seen Casey kill her daughter would people believe this to be plenty of proof beyond any reasonable doubt??

    +1  Views: 473 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    I believe ''FAITH''is the biggest test of them all,and if you are courageous enough to let it in,you have got everything!Because nothing is more greater than the love of Jesus Christ.
    Well I guess one can always choose to believe what they want to believe. But yes I do and always will believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He died for our sins you know.
    Yes, if you believe the Bible. Lets not even compare this to any other event.

    Don't you think that Eight Eye witness testimonies is quite remarkable? PLus the fact that these eight gained nothing but suffering and death?
    Yes , Christ resurrected.Why do people believe in Darwin who made up stuff of evolution (Hypothetical stuff)and they cannot believe the absolute truth from the Only Eternal , True Living God.
    Only Atheists, Antagonists ,Doubters and Unbelievers denial this Evident Truth.
    I believe the Himalayas is the Tallest Mountain in the World , yet I have never seen it except for pictures. I believe their are many countries in the World though I have never seen them or visited them. The resurrection is the real evidence of the hope of the Born-Again believer. All other founders of other religions are dead but only Christ is ALIVE AS the ONLY LIVING GOD.

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