    I think the government wishes the ageing population of this country would just die off and go away sounds drastic but if cuts in medicaid and medicare are enacted isn't the end resuld about the same thing . what do you think

    think the government wishes the ageing population of this country would just die off and go away sounds drastic but if cuts in medicaid and medicare are enacted isn't the end result about the same thing . what do you think

    +3  Views: 444 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    sure. we re all going to croak because of our govt. what they dont see is their parents and loved ones or even themselves struggling to make ends meet., chances are they are all exempt from the cuts. like everything else, double standards.
    This wouldn't be such a huge problem if they didn't waste so much money! Another answer would be to imitate what other families do in many different countries,(Take care of one another.)

    If we were less selfish and more family oriented we could just have our parents and our grandparents live together in one household. That would be so much better than shipping off our loved ones to retirement or assisted living homes. Just an option that could possibly lessen the medical costs to the taxpayer.

    "If we were less selfish and more family oriented we could just have our parents and our grandparents live together in one household. "

    I don't agree completely with the so selfish bit. Some people need to two paychecks. In order to have loved ones live with then, one would have to stay home and care for them. What if the loved ones had no money? We all know SS doesn't pay crap for their care. At home care means medicare doesn't have to pay.

    Yeah, I know what you mean! It was more of a loose comparison between cultures, and a little to fluffy! It definitely can have benefits to a household and benefit the the family or economy in many ways, but there are probably way to many factors to insert into this scenario.

    But, it may be very unrealistic for many families as well. I realized this when writing it and thought that at least it's a different view. I'm sure it's not usually about being selfish, maybe just in a small percentage of instances.
    Notice the age of the sentators and congressmen/women.
    Most are no spring chickens. What are the odds they will cut their benefits?
    i see a future where medicade will cut it self off the goverment is already tapping into it, the goverment paid a nursing home $17,00 a month for my father in law , while my own father only received $1,300 a month to die at home and received the best care anywhere. maybe if the goverment were to compinsate those who take care of their parents at home rather than those industrialst pigs the system might survive.
    The manufacturers of medical equipment should be investigated. An EKG machine is no more sophisticated then my HP printer, fax, scanner which I paid about $100.00 for. That EKG costs $17,000. Why? An MRI machine is approx. one million dollars, I am told. Why? A wheelchair $1,100. Why? Crutches $400.00 Why? Each aspirin dispensed in a hospital $3.00. Why?
    ed shank

    And we wonder why there's no money, doesn't anyone question this stuff? Remember the Government paying $12.00 for the same washer you could buy in a hardware store for 7 cents?

    I agree with you. It is incombrehensible that no one has looked into that. So much waste and fraud going on.It makes me sick.
    Thankfully we have The NHS

    I would not rely on the NHS supporting you in your old age. Perhaps Martin Amis was right when he suggested euthanasia booths for the aged.

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