    Since the USA invaded Iraq and Afganastan can anyone give a idea as too how much money has been spent of our taxes to pay for this . ( Just a ballpark figure cause noboby knows for sure) I bet it could go a long way toward disposing of our debt crisis

    +1  Views: 556 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: moneys

    7 Answers

    I think you have answered your own question. No one knows for sure.

    Ball park figure or a guessestamate
    While the Iraq war was still going on......I heard it cost us 3 BILLION per month ! That's more than the U.S. ever spent on any of our states.That's where our money supply went to in '08. The gov stole our money....which caused the stock market collaspe. A lot of people lost their savings that they were depending on for their old age.
    Another way the gov stole our money was telling the banks NOT go pay us anymore for them using our money. We might as well have our money stuffed in a mattress, as in a bank.
    Not a exact figure noone know just a guess estamate ball park guess

    Never heard that expression before, Ballpark guess May I ask, which country is it from ?
    Roger Willcoe

    Ballpark Figure - sense of "acceptable range of approximation" first recorded 1960, originally referring to area within which a spacecraft was expected to return to earth; the reference is to broad but reasonably predictable dimensions.


    Where are you from, Dolly?
    not to mention the other countries we invaded to ''help them '' with their ploy to overthrow their government. These coups are prob planned, financed, and carried out by the U.S.

    Way to much!

    All of it seems realistic?... 20-50 trillion fore and aft?

    Thats a number so large I can't even comprehend
    I have not the slightest idea but I wish it had been used on the debt. All this invading -- Is it really necessary. Little countries don't invade. They live peacefully and take care of matters at hand.
    Invading does give the military machine a reason to be. It gives soldiers a pay check. Why? Why? Why?
    Itsmee, Pacifist

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