    Why would you want a super power?

    +4  Views: 710 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    I take it you are not an American. The US. became a super power in World War 2.and has been ever since.What we want matters very little to our Government. They give Billions of Dollars to other countries while our own country is deeply in dept and our way of life is deminishing.Does that sound like a "Super Power?
    To ants you are a giant and to nearly every other creature on the planet you are a threat. Your potential for understanding how to be the cause of an enormous event is within everyone but we learn as we grow up that if you apply too much energy to an event that the result can be disastrous. So we exercise our destructive potential in ways that yield desirable results, like cutting up vegetables for a pot of soup. In many skills there are expressed abilities, that if magnified, could yield disaster…but that is seldom the goal of such work. Archimedes said,"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” There are a few people who have in fact “moved the world” by a variety of mechanisms. Some you may have heard of used love to move the world. Edison illuminated the world turning night into day effectively. Hitler attempted to change the world with fear and hatred but bravery, skill and love defeated him. There are many ways to express power and you can too…do what brings happiness to everyone…that is what is appreciated the most.
    I would not want to be a super power I would like to be like Ted Roosevelt speack softly but carry a big stick
    I wouldn't. People would expect things from you all the time. You'd never know a moments peace.
    I would love to be able to heal disease, but only anonymously.
    I would like to read peoples minds, you want a taco right?

    I am thinking of a burrito, but nobody's guessed that one yet.

    If I had a super power, I would want to have fun with it and help others when I could.  I would like to be able to jump REALLY high and/or fly.  :D 

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