    hate , disrespekt;

    i, furnish my daughter, apartment, 4 rooms plus kitchen, she now have the change to get 3 more rooms, i said thats good i will help you,but can i have a room for my self, i leave in the village , and i like to go into city, but i don,t like to disturb anyone, my daughter respond, her in my place no, in front of my son, i have 3 kids i did the same for evryone,i felt realy a shame , i am not that old that she have to be afraid to takecare of me, plus the know i will go into old foxhome

    +4  Views: 665 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    sounds to me like she is just being selfish, you took care of her now it's her turn to help you,perhaps you shouldn't help her financialy any more if you have been.don''t forget you have three other kids that love you maybe they should talk to her and help reason things out.if she's not willing to show you the love and respect you deserve then look else where. you didn't say if you have grand kids if so they will want to see their grandma, give it some time and god willing she will realize just how selfish she has beeen... may god bless.

    i, do have grandkids, and i spend time with them sometimes quality, some shoping times, and a realy love them, and thy amuse me , i have 8, the youngerst is 3 she make great coments, the olders is going on 17 very smart girl, but thanks for god bless
    Don't help her.
    thanks anna

    Sorry to express this to you, but it sounds like you child is very spoiled. I would completely cut her off financially until she see's the errors of her ways. Let her know how that made you feel and that she owes you an apology. Honestly why would you take any disrespect from you children especially when it sounds like you have been extremely generous to them.

    I hope you will understand that most of the time when people don't have to work or work hard for something, they don't appreciate things, or they take for granted the people that give so much to them. Hope this helps.

    Time to start looking after yourself & let your kids do the same,I think.

    They obviously don't appreciate you.You are a good person & a good mom.

    Take back everything you gave her for the apartment. Then she'll see just how much space she has and that there's plenty of room for you.

    Sorry to say this but it is the truth. I have 3 children who I have not seen in years......selfish little monsters that they are....however, they are relatively young  (well according to my age). The worst thing you can do is spoil them especially when they are really young or adolescents...they seem to expect that  for the rest of their existence..I had such a lousy childhood that I overcompensated for that by spoiling them when they were young.....cut the your own ,llfe, hopefully they wiill come around eventually I hope that is true for your sake...mine never did....just a word from the wise....(:

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