    Whats all this rumor stuff the Republicians are wanting to cut Social Security 9.5 percent good god they have robbed this country since 9/11 how rich can the rich get

    +1  Views: 1114 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    we need to understand they both have screwed us pick your poison or party they both want your money to waste as they see fit
    the fat just keep getting fater ,their phasing out the middle class. democrats, republicans their all the same to me , we need a new party , that accutally cares about the future of america, another 20 years the social security system will be broke as well as the us.
    Headless Man

    I agree, I thought the Tea Party might be a good third party, but three parties and we all lose with the winner having maybe only a third of the vote.
    Both parties have cost us a debt we can't afford and we need a change, a change back to the way things where when I was young and the government didn't have their nose in everything.
    No, the democrats have robbed the country we are in debt because of the democrat congress and the laws and Social programs they have passed.

    Sorry I don't see it that way A couple three wars plus 10 yrs of the military industrial complex along with a good dose homeland security excessive spending to protect all the oil barons rich getting richer right

    O.K. R.P. just wanted to say hi and I'm back.
    Headless Man

    leeroy, Can you believe the karma points growing like they
    Headless Man

    matheneyg, The job of the government is to protect the country, I agree that is sometimes not the reason for combat but that is something we have to trust our president with, as he has all the info to work with.

    In the 80's Russia went broke from their adventure in Afganastan now 30 yrs. later we are broke because of our adventure in the same country, not even counting Iraq, The muslum plan was too bring down the ecomomy of russia to force it into getting out now we are in the same boat. We had no business staying there after we overthrew the Taliban. any other was nonsense
    Headless Man

    But is the Taliban overthrown?

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