    how many square feet in a 16ft round circle

    0  Views: 5953 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    area of circle with radius R is the number pi multiplied by the square of the radius;

    Area= 3.14159X64=201.06176 square feet
    Circles are always round. When you say "16ft round circle", is the circumference 16 feet, or is the diameter 16 feet?

    If the circumference is 16 feet, the radius can be calculated by uaing the formula "circumference = 2 times pi times r" where pi=22/7 and r is the radius. That means, r can be calculated by dividing the circumference by 2 x pi. If you do the calculation this way, the radius is 28/11 feet.
    Now, the area of the circle can be calculated by using the formula A = pi times 'r squared', where A is the area of the circle, 'r squared' is the square of the radius and pi=22/7.
    Therefore, Area = 22/7 times 28/11 times 28/11 = 22x28x28 divided by 7x11x11 = 17248 divided by 847 = 20.3636.... square feet.

    If the diameter is 16ft, the radius will be 8ft, as radius is half of the diameter. The area of the circle can be calculated by using the formula A = pi times 'r squared', where A is the area of the circle, 'r squared' is the square of the radius and pi=22/7. Therefore, Area = 22/7 times 8 times 8 = 22x8x8 divided by 7 = 1408 divided by 7 = 201.14286 square feet.

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions or if you need more explanation.
    If you can figure out how to put a square peg in a round hole, I can help you answer your question.

    Assuming the circumference to be 16...

    d=16/pi; r=8/pi

    ... approximately 20.38 sqft

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