    Is it true that if u have a cat u cant get pregnant?cause of the litter thing anyway my husband cleans it? so i dont have to worry but can I still conceive I have 30 day cycle irregular but lately its coming more often please tell me if its true I dont want to give a away my girl I had since she was 6 weeks old and she adorable...

    0  Views: 677 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    no im not a cat please read.

    6 Answers

    It should not effect you conceiving,cat litter contains an ingredient that is harmful to pregnant women,but if your husband changes it you are just fine.
    AS long as your husband takes care of the litter box you have no worries. Good luck and thanks for loving your kitty.

          The story behind this idea of pregnancy and cats has to do with a disease called 'toxoplasmosis".  Cats can carry a parasite in their intestines called "toxoplasma".  In most cases it doesn't affect the cat, but the problems arise when a pregnant woman changes a litter box that's contaminated with this parasite.  Toxoplasma can cause great harm to a fetus. Doctors therefore advise pregnant women not to change litter boxes, so they can avoid this problem altogether.  If you absolutely have to clean the litter box yourself, just use gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.  And as an extreme cat lover, I'm begging you to please not get rid of your precious kitty!

    No having a cat as a pet does not keep one from getting pregnant.  That being said it is the advice of doctors that you do not change the litter pan while you are pregnant.  Someone else will have to change it while you are pregnant.  I just think your husband is trying to find a way go make you give up you cat.

    Are you a cat?

    You did it again eggy, come on tell what locality you live in I have to meet you and I frequently visit family in NSW. Just you locality , nothing definitive.

    I'm on the Central Coast of New South Wales. I think there must be something strange in the water.

    new south welsh men, good to hear the police there have the powers now for removal of veils muslin women wear!

    I'll say.

    Having a cat does not stop the cause of during orgasim child could not be consumed. You shoulg have nothing to worry about.

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