    How does a single mother deal with 2 kids that have BPD? One is 17 with BiPolar and one is 18 with Schizoid Personality Disorder?

    Are there any online support groups with parents like me?

    0  Views: 1150 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers good luck and may god truely bless.
    wow ... i don't know. check with the county mental health department. they might have counselors. can you afford a psychiatrist and or a psychologist? i don't know of any online support groups but i hope you find one. you will need more than online, of course. good luck. schizoid personality sounds difficult ... as does bipolar...
    keep them on their meds. i have a niece who has it. also have 2 sons with adhd.
    I am hoping there is support groups for you,ask at the local hospital or even the Doctors,make sure your children take their medication daily as this can keep their mental state more manageable.Iknow how you feel,as i have my little 7 yr old grandson in my care and he has ADHD.Good luck
    wow ... i don't know. check with the county mental health department. they might have counselors. can you afford a psychiatrist and or a psychologist? i don't know of any online support groups but i hope you find one. you will need more than online, of course. good luck. schizoid personality sounds difficult ... as does bipolar...
    Lady I wish I could help you but all I can do is wish you the best. I have a sister with BPD so I know some of what your facing

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