    Is it legal to play loud music while driving?

    I'm in California and enjoy listening to loud rock music with the windows rolled down. Yet, of course I don't wish to get pulled over by a cop! I would like to know if that's legal, and, if not, how loud can I listen to music without getting into trouble? Thanks!

    +2  Views: 3097 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    The State of California have laws that prohibit loud music.

    they do?!
    itsmee, from california!

    Is a licensee responsible for correcting nuisance conditions on or about the licensed premises?

    A. Yes. Upon notice, a licensee must take reasonable steps to correct objectionable, nuisance conditions on or about the licensed premises and on abutting public sidewalks up to 20 feet from the premises. A licensee must correct the conditions within a reasonable period of time after receiving notice. The conditions include disturbance of the peace, public drunkenness, drinking in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, loitering, public urination, lewd conduct, drug trafficking, or excessive loud noise. Exception: Restaurants (License Types 41 and 47), hotels, motels, wineries, and beer manufacturers are not responsible for correcting nuisance conditions on abutting public sidewalks. (Section 24200[e][f][g])

    Wow Pam! I don't know how you got to be so smart lady.
    I've done many thing in my life,and can even come close to what you know,is though I'm way behind time.Well I quest I'll never catch up with you.Your just too smart for me pretty lady.

    we all have our own unique way in expressing and sharing the wisdom we have. :-)

    IamPamela how did this answer get mixed up with one about loud music whilst driving? Unless the question was asked by someone driving a pub.

    I don't know, do you?
    What you want is not important to the rest of the world.
    Your righs and priviliges stop at the end of your nose.
    If you choose to deafen yourself that is your busiess.
    However, the rest of us have a right to protect our ears and our sanity with some peace and quiet.
    Loud noises are a no-no in most places. Why do you think cars have mufflers?
    Put on head phones and rock yourself out.
    Please don't subject the rest of us to your noise.

    and trashy hate so called music, or the ones that spew filth for the whole world to hear whether you want to hear it or not
    In the UK if it is seen that your music is so loud that it considered distracting you from driving it would be an offence under driving a motor vehcile "without due care and attention". Driving (or cycling) on a public highway with headphones is also an offence in the UK.

    Yes 100%. Communication headphones can be used which are designed with one earpiece only.

    it's ileagle in the usa as well
    Ca has a law I believe its the 50' law.. I don't think it's enforced though, where i work it seems everyone thinks I wanna listen to their rap music, I see Harley's with some wicked loud pipes that are ear shattering and they had music playing at the same time loud enough that that it can be heard over the top of the engine.. Incredible! I have played in rock bands in my life where me dizzy, this is worse!

    Please turn it down, I really don't want to hear your music, I have my own going in my car and you are drowning mine out, its rude..
    ALL STATES SHOULD IF< THEY DON"T ESPECIALLY RAP!!! Anything audible outside 5' range, should banned.
    It's ilegal in New South Wales.

    Nope, New South Wales is in Australia.
    In Los angeles ,it isn't
    The playing of music at high decibal readings is illegal in Queensland Australia for two legal reasons.

    1) Noise pollution. (Aptly named as most of it is shit)
    2) Driving without due care and attention in that the driver could not hear the siren of any approaching emergency vehicle.

    Apart from that it shows disrepect for all others and don`t come the democratic rights bull shit.
    Democratic right gives any person the right to do anything they wish PROVIDING IT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE SIMILAR RIGHTS OF OTHER PEOPLE.Living a peaceful existing being one such right.
    I do not know what the law is in MICHIGAN wish it was illegal to drive with loud music blaring while people are driving after 10 pm I live on a street that is a connector between to main roads night day and some times we get those cars all you ever hear from them is boom boom and it shakes the house

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