    how is goose poop as fertilizer?

    +1  Views: 933 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    So many geese loiter around our school playgrounds and parks....the grass is really green....if that helps.

    Well said 6dogs I here that Human Poop is being used for veg like Tomatoes

    Fertilizer is fertilizer,,always good for growth..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Rule of thumb about manure, if it eats meat - don't use it, if it eats plants, grains etc. it's good to go. In other words don't use cat or dog feces but anything else is OK. Oh, and of course we all know that processed human waste is now being used , its called "sludge" but that is still somewhat controversial.

    Here's a good link:

    My chickens eat meat. They grab every worm that dares poke it's head up through the mud and slush. Goose poop should be alright.

    In my younger days there were chinese market gardens that grew the vegetables and they used human waste unprocessed, except by the human,quite often. The chinese all had pig tails in those days.

    There was a area a few miles from the settled areas and the night cart would deposit the pans contents on this patch of ground.The area was on a slope and there would be a ditch plowed across filled up and filled in. Go down the slope a few feet same again. When they reached the bottom they started at the top again.

    There are houses on that land now and I bet they bragged about the "good soil"

    After that I don`t think goose poo is a concern.

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