How do I get my husband - that I've been married to for 26 years - to tell me about the money he is making on the side with a woman half his age? He is keeping this woman a secret AND the business he has on the side a secret. I did some clever sneaking around to find this information - so I've approached him many times about both mentioned above - and all i get is "deny....deny.....deny". He is ALWAYS trying to convince me he loves me and will be with me FOREVER. seriously? I do not trust his words. any suggestions?????
12 Answers
Don't know lady, but I do know that we all lived more in harmony before computers, and mobile phones were invented, have you ever noticed how many relationships are broken up on the Jeremy Kyle show because of all the tickle tackle on face book and texting and everyone being suspicious of what everyone else is doing, trust is a name that went out of the window when these contraptions were invented, and many long relationships came to an end, not an easy answer but worth thinking about.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Wowwwww...what are you waiting for??? What secret? You know everything!It seems that you don't have the guts. Just tell him what you know or first look for a lawyer and start the divorce...You are not having a "real marriage" is just a lie, and something you are used to. You shouldn't have secret between you, and of course he shouldn't cheat on you.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
People were always sneaky these things just brought it out.