    was jesus put to death on a cross or a stake

    was jesus put to death on a cross or a stake

    +1  Views: 30591 Answers: 38 Posted: 14 years ago
    Tags: jesus

    Jesus was nailed to a cross, read the bible.


    And could you please post the phrase that says specifically the "cross"?

    38 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    It was more of a stake. It didn't have a crosspiece or second beam running across. It is also called a tree, as in, "Were you there when they nailed Him to a tree?"

    Jon Belisle

    While the cross-piece was not attached to the vertical post, it became a part of the crucifixion when He was hoisted as He was nailed to it. The Romans called it a cross.



    Point well made!

    New King James Version (NKJV)
    Acts 10:39

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    39 And we are witnesses of all things which He did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they[a] killed by hanging on a tree.

    a.Acts 10:39 NU-Text and M-Text add also.

    New King James Version (NKJV)
    Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Acts 13:29

    View commentary related to this passage

    29 Now when they had fulfilled all that was written concerning Him, they took Him down from the tree and laid Him in a tomb.

    New King James Version (NKJV)
    Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Galatians 3:13

    View commentary related to this passage

    13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”[a]),

    a.Galatians 3:13 Deuteronomy 21:23

    New King James Version (NKJV)
    Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Galatians 3:13

    View commentary related to this passage

    13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”[a]),

    Roman history and contemporary writings are clear, it was a stake. The bible is not. The bible is a nice book, but it was put together by 3rd century clerics with an agenda. The cross was already a sacred pagan object easily accepted by many groups. Read the original scriptures and decide for yourself. Much of religion has become politicized faith. We are smarter than that. Question: Did Jesus need to be devine to be relevant?


    well said.

    jesus was put to death on a stake. either stakes were used or if one wasnt to hand the nearest tree was used to carry out death sentences hence why nails were used

    Please give me the Bible reference that states it was a dogwood tree or that Christ spoke anything to any tree.

    Read the bible he was put to death on a cross. All the answers are in the bible.

    The word cross can also be translated as a stake, such as a fence post. However, the primary translation is CROSS. The prophecy stated he would be hung from a tree, and using a cross is like a tree with branches.

    What kind of a tree was the CROSS made from.


    Since the Elderberry tree was the most common of wood used in carpentry at the time, this is probably what the cross was made from.


    The elderberry, Sambucus nigra is unlikely to have been used to make the cross as the tree does not grow big enough. I can't imagine it was used for carpentry unless it grows much bigger in the Middle East.

    What is the difference, the Esoteric or Spiritual Intent was the same; the sacrifice the body for the sake of the Soul.  This  to teach men the divine values thereof.  Although the specfic cross upon which Jesus was nailed or staked, just happened to be the symbol of sacrifice.  Amen.  There are many different kind of Cross's which are symbol's, each expressing its own unique and specific teachings and meanings.

    Jesus was put on a stake.

    The Imperial Bible -Dictionary says :"The Greek word for cross, (stauros), properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or peace of paling, on which might be used in impaling anything might be hung., or which might be used in impaling a peace of ground.... Even amongst the Romans the crux (from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole."

       History of the Christian Church says: "There (first Christians) was no use of the crucifix and no material representation of the cross."

    Here are some articles that may throw some light on the subject:


    With due respect papa peg the KJ was translated for the benefit of the newly formed United Kingdom of GB and not for the Kingdom of God or his Christ. Strangely the NKJ translates it as 'Stake'

    papa peg

    I read the King James Version

    Look it up.

    the cross.then they nailed him to the cross and they beated him tell he died no affence but im just ten

    Romans ruled over the land at the Time of Jesus the Christ. And their way (Roman Rule) was to "attach" people to a "tree" hence probably a "stake". But alot of emtional people like their Savior hung on a cross I guess. But if you really think about it it was the shedding of that "sinless" blood for your sins according to Jhon cross or stake? Just accept that Jesus the Christ was thinking about saving YOU reader when he was bleeding to death for the sins of the world.

    A Servant of Christ

    opps!!! John 3:17 sorry about typo.

    The biblical reference to Jesus 'bearing his cross' is in reference to the cross of our sins and sicknesses. It was a figure of speech used then in Judean culture in the same way as people who don't understand the completed redemptive work of Jesus for us today who say, for example "I suppose we all have to bear our own crosses", which of course we don't since Jesus bore it for us (as Christians.) An examination of 1 Peter 2:14 should reveal this truth as compared with Isaiah 53:1-5.

    More in depth biblical research will show that he himself was too badly beaten and tortured to carry anything but rather it was a gentleman called Symon of Cyrene who bore the wooden 'staros' - stake for him to Calvary. A 'staros' was a perpendicular wooden stake whereby the convicted was placed, feet tied together, and hands above the head perpendicularly tied tightly also in order that if the heat of the sun didn't slowly kill them then the severe breathing restrictions due to the elevated arms would. Our Lord had also added nails through his flesh for no bone was to be broken since as prophesied, he was to resemble the sacrificial lamb. The torture of our Lord and saviour was far worse then the movie 'the Passion ' could ever have been allowed to depict.

    The cross i.e the crucifix as we now know it, is strictly not in origin a Christian symbol but rather long pre-dates Christianity and goes back to the false messiah Tammuz the son of the sun-god in Babylonian mythology and religion. The devil knew the prophecies of the coming of the Messiah and therefore often times tried to counterfeit it.

    We are instructed often times in scripture to avoid imagery in worship however the dove, which represents pneuma hagion - Holy Spirit i.e the new birth and our new identity and life in Christ would be more appropriate if one were seeking a symbol or sign. Incidently, Scotland's founding missionary was nickname Colm Cille and better known as St. Colm or Columba. The word 'colm' from the Gaelic means 'dove'

    I wouldn't make any ethical sense to have an instrument of torture to represent the new life he has by grace through faith given us. I hope this is clearer now. Whilst we look to his stripes (wounds) for our healing to manifest (1 Peter 2:24), we look to His resurrection, ascension and giving of the Holy Spirit for our entry into his kingdom

    strong text It was a tree and his hands werent out to his side forming a T he was nailed at the some research and youll see that the cross is pagan as many things in the churches today are....careful the devil lurks to deceive you! Look into the steeples.....youll be quit surprised to find what they represent!

    Because of its firmness and strength it was selected as the timber for the cross, but to be put to such a cruel use greatly distressed the tree. Sensing this, the crucified Jesus in his gentle pity for the sorrow and suffering of all said to it: "Because of your sorrow and pity for My sufferings, never again will the dogwood tree grow large enough The tree was the Dodwood Tree.


    maybe you should of started with '' once apon a time ''

    Maybe some very interesting reading here,,everybody has had their say and all sound this link,it is a bit different from the rest...>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..    ""

    On a stake, they thought he was a vampire.

    What kind of tree was the CROSS made from.

    The Cross of Jesus was hewn or cut from the Rosewood Tree, all which specie thereafter eventually shrivelled to become vines, never more a tree, never more a Cross.  This because this heinious act of ignorant men, was so great an affont, to the Elemental Powers of God.   Take it for what it si worth.  :-) 

    It was a stake. The Hebrew word best translates to this. Also, (any general contractor will understand this), why would the governmental body of the day use two pieces of wood and a rope or a few nails just to put a cross together when they could more easily use a wooden pole or stake like a telephone pole. Also, two nails, one through both wrists and one through the feet is less then three nails. One for each wrist and one for the feet. It is way cheaper to use less materials. I don't think that there were permits to building these and inspectors to check the work. It defies logic from the word go. There was on the other hand a cult of the cross that was adopted by the church to gain converts. There was also the religion of Dagon where the fish was worshipped. Just look at the papal hat. It is the same one that the Dagon people wore.

    the question should be have you picked up your cross.

    please read JOHN 19:17-25 about the cross and crucifixion Rhonda


    17 And, bearing the torture stake for himself, he went out to the so-called Skull Place, which is called Gol′go‧tha in Hebrew; 18 and there they impaled him, and two other [men] with him, one on this side and one on that, but Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate wrote a title also and put it on the torture stake. It was written: “Jesus the Naz‧a‧rene′ the King of the Jews.” 20 Therefore many of the Jews read this title, because the place where Jesus was impaled was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, in Greek.

    Perhaps you need to do more research yourself Rhonda

    Do your research it was a cross made out of a dogwood tree. and no he was nailed in his hands. study your bible.yhou have alot to in john it will tell you all about it. again thanks Rhonda

    The biblical reference to Jesus 'bearing his cross' is in reference to the cross of our sins and sicknesses. It was a figure of speech used then in Judean culture in the same way as people who don't understand the completed redemptive work of Jesus for us today who say, for example "I suppose we all have to bear our own crosses", which of course we don't since Jesus bore it for us (as Christians.) An examination of 1 Peter 2:14 should reveal this truth as compared with Isaiah 53:1-5.

    More in depth biblical research will show that he himself was too badly beaten and tortured to carry anything but rather it was a gentleman called Symon of Cyrene who bore the wooden 'staros' - stake for him to Calvary. A 'staros' was a perpendicular wooden stake whereby the convicted was placed, feet tied together, and hands above the head perpendicularly tied tightly also in order that if the heat of the sun didn't slowly kill them then the severe breathing restrictions due to the elevated arms would. Our Lord had also added nails through his flesh for no bone was to be broken since as prophesied, he was to resemble the sacrificial lamb. The torture of our Lord and saviour was far worse then the movie 'the Passion ' could ever have been allowed to depict.

    The cross i.e the crucifix as we now know it, is strictly not in origin a Christian symbol but rather long pre-dates Christianity and goes back to the false messiah Tammuz the son of the sun-god in Babylonian mythology and religion. The devil knew the prophecies of the coming of the Messiah and therefore often times tried to counterfeit it.

    We are instructed often times in scripture to avoid imagery in worship however the dove, which represents pneuma hagion - Holy Spirit i.e the new birth and our new identity and life in Christ would be more appropriate if one were seeking a symbol or sign. Incidently, Scotland's founding missionary was nickname Colm Cille and better known as St. Colm or Columba. The word 'colm' from the Gaelic means 'dove'

    I wouldn't make any ethical sense to have an instrument of torture to represent the new life he has by grace through faith given us. I hope this is clearer now. Whilst we look to his stripes (wounds) for our healing to manifest (1 Peter 2:24), we look to His resurrection, ascension and giving of the Holy Spirit for our entry into his kingdom

    Zgodnie z (rzymsk?) literatur? ?r?d?ow?, skazany na ukrzy?owanie nigdy nie przenosi? ca?ego krzy?a, wbrew zwyczajowej wierze i w przeciwie?stwie do wielu nowo?ytnych odtworze? drogi Jezusa na Golgot?. Zamiast tego, d?wigana by?a tylko poprzeczna belka,
    podczas gdy prostopad?a by?a osadzona trwale w miejscu, kt?re by?o u?ywane do dalszych egzekucji.
    Czasami jednak skazaniec d?wiga? pionowy pal, na kt?rym by? stracany , = J?sus

    Drzewo ma wiele synonim?w:
    obci?te drzewo = drewno.
    meble z drewna.
    deski drewniane.

    belka drewniana=drzewo

    stories are always altered to different writers knolege (beliefs ) influence !!there is so much left out of the original ( old testiment ) same with commandment's. There were many more than 10

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