    Just saw on the news Casey ANTHONY trial the jury they are going into the decision phase what do you think is going to happen?

    +3  Views: 619 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    I was shocked to see that she was let off, but I realized that there was not one hard piece of evidence to convict her. Public opinion isn't enough to convict.

    I was not really surprised by the jury.The verdict makes me sad who killed this sweet little girl?

    Yeah, I think the death may have been accidental, but the world may never know. She is such a liar I wouldn't believe a word she says or wast my time reading her book. She may just be a vicious killer??

    I'm sure the grandparents would've taken her in a heartbeat.
    Guilty as charged.....i hope.

    me to but with 12 people who knows
    they'll come back with a verdict!.............guilty

    They will hash it out the rest of the week with 12 people they have a large amount of evidence to analyze and then they will make their decision hopefully for justice for little caylee
    It is only circumstancial evidence. They do not know how Caylee died. There is no evidence of premeditated murder- so no death penalty. I think she will get life without parole.

    How wrong I was. They did not find her quilty of first degeee Murder, only lying to Law Enforcement. What a Victory for the Defense.
    Bad police work. Did anyone match grandpa's DNA to Caylee? Why would this man attend court to be accused of molesting the step daughter unless threatened to do so by the Casey? Who the father is was never brought up. Was it grandpa? The Duct tape: Rip a piece of duct tape and not leave a finger print on it, impossible. Try this yourself, tear a piece off and place it in the ground for four months. Your finger prints will be obvious immediately. Sloppy police work.
    Guilty, premeditated murder. Life no parole, I'd rather see her juiced.

    With 12 people on a jury you never know what they may do.
    They have a large amount evidence to analyze they will make there decision hopefully for justice for little caylee
    they will prob take 25 years of her life for taking 60-80 years from a child our legal system is screwed

    With a jury of 12 people who know what may happen the have a large amount of evidence to analyze hopefully justice will happen for little caylee
    She SHOULD walk out as a free woman; the state had absolutely no case. No cause of death, no direct evidence. But the sad thing is that a child died, and I think this jury wants to see somebody blamed for it, and they'll convict Casey-unfairly. What happened to reasonable doubt?
    Hung Jury

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