44 Answers (1-30 Displayed)
No it's never right though a lot of men will try to twist it around to make you believe that they are in the right to hit you if you strike them first. However, men outpower women and women generally get the worse of the hitting part especially if the guy has a short fuse! I know all about it as I was a spousal abuse counselor for some years! And also a victim of abuse a long time ago! Any more info needed on this subject just let me know! A man should be taught to never strike a woman, some are, some aren't and if they were raised in a home with physical abuse they are more likely to keep the vicious cycle going. In mens' defense somewhat I will say that noone should strike anyone, be it man or woman! Sorry...I will stop now! (:
13 years ago. Rating: 26 | |
Haha, you use many exclamation marks. :P Shows how passionate you are about the subject. Thanks for the answer! :)
Yeah, I am. I take that as a compliment. Thanks my friend! BY THE WAY, when's YOUR birthday?? Read new question "EVERYBODY LINE UP" We're trying to get B-Day & other special date lists going to wish everyone happiness and love! Be on the list please!! (:
Chemlover7, that's a NO NO !!! A man just WALK AWAY. Guys that hit women need to think, what if a man is hitting my sister or any female relative, guys you wouldn't want that.
13 years ago. Rating: 19 | |
Thanks Coach, YOU KNOW I got your back my friend, ALWAYS !!, all you got to do is call. Like you said the akaQU family is TIGHT. T.U. for you my friend.
13 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
A man who strikes a woman is nothing more that a coward. If she actually strikes you first, just walk away and let situation cool down.
You also asked a chivalry question earlier...everything OK?
13 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Good question. It's NOT OK for anyone to hit anyone. I guess because the average man is physically stronger and bigger than an average woman he isn't supposed to get hurt. Not sure who came up with that theory...I bruise just like the next guy.
Haha, everything is fine. I just wonder what others think. :)
But what makes it fair for a women to hit them but unfair for men to hit women? Like we always say we want to be equal and stuff, but really there is a big diffrence, no?
Well there are obviously exceptions to every rule... to defend your own life I think it would serve her right pretty justifiably, if that's what you wish. I don't believe in hitting women though, it does bother me though that with this feminist movement, females wish to be 'treated as equals', but a man's role and a female's role are totally different.. I always work for females in retail and they usually don't do a good job, because they bring their emotions in to it so much. Yet they demand equality.. women should be respected for being female, yet we are tending towards treating them like males.. this world has taken a strange turn. We have forgotten the appreciation of difference.. dating girls in the west is like dating a boy.
13 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
part one of that question is NEVER!!! part two if a woman is threatening your families life or yours and sure harm is the results don't just stand by and watch but let her have it!!
This is a question of violence and the laws should reflect justice to any and all abuse equally, take out domestic abuse and change it to criminal assault for both sexes.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
In Illinois, whomever files the police report first, wins the case. So if someone hits you, take out your cell phone and file a police report and take a picture of your bloody nose for the police. Once the woman is taken off in hand cuffs, enjoy the peace and quiet and have a beer and watch the game and call it a night. Then first thing in the morning, go clean out the joint accounts, put the cash in a safe place and get a divorce lawyer. That way when she gets out of jail, you have all your ducks in a row and you will end up with everything including the alimony.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I don't even know what to say to that.. That's just crazy smart and messed up all at the same time.
NO,NO,NO !!!!.Men are usually physically stronger and more aggressive than women.I was brought up to believe that men don't hit women full stop end of story no matter what the provacation.I've been put to the test twice.First time was when I was having a really bitter and personal arguement with my gf of 4 years.She knew exactly what buttons to push n how to cut right to the bone.It didnt help that I'd polished off a bottle of red wine n round 8 beers at the time !!!!
At the height of the row she got me so furious I lashed out.She was shouting in my face but I turned round 180 degrees and punched the wall.Now I shouldnt have done it but it proved that even when raging I meant what I've always said,I won't hit a woman.Course she told her mother who said was only matter of time before I hit her but 20 years on thats closet I've come.Another woman punched and kicked me i walked away.You don't hit women.Full stop,end of story !!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
depends on the women and her size or how hard she me