    Where has common sense gone?

    Why can't people figure out the most common problem or at least ask an understandable question?

    +17  Views: 3352 Answers: 33 Posted: 12 years ago

    33 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    My point exactly. Some do it on purpose and some do not know what commom sense is.
    Merriam-Webster Online defines common sense as beliefs or propositions that most people consider prudent and of sound judgment, without reliance on esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what they see as knowledge held by people "in common". Thus "common sense" (in this view) equates to the knowledge and experience which most people already have, or which the person using the term believes that they do or should have.
    Hey!common sense,what is that? what does it eat in the winter time?what about integrity,honesty,did that go down the toilet as well.
    Headless Man

    I'm sorry but this generation is very bad. I could write a book on some of the stuff I have seen, even from kids that are in college, it is really very sad.
    I think they believe the computer answers their question. So they put in keywords and limited other information. Well OK, sometimes we don't even get keywords.

    could you rephrase? I don't understand what you said. : )

    Should I use computer language?

    001100000111100101011100110110 Better? :)
    it's right down the toilet, with our history books!

    Mostly lies fabricated to keep other people happy.
    Out the window!

    ….My little airplane flew on and on…and when I found it…in a goose nest…an egg had hatched and it occurred to me that perhaps the gosling thought the airplane was its mother….just before the goose mother ran me off with her honking and flapping and nipping at my heals. Common since…avoid nesting geese.
    I defy anyone to ask a young person today what common sense is and get an answer. You can't practice common sense if you don't have a clue as to what it is.
    to some, it's easier to ask than to think for a couple seconds

    sometimes I ask because I want to see various answers. there is rarely just one answer. the fact that we can gather answers here is what makes it so addictive. I rarely google answers. (It's just me. : ) )
    I don't know, but I do know if we all relied on our common sense more, that we would all be better off.

    With some of questions that have been asked here,from time to time, there is no common sense. So some people would have problums, trying to relie, on what they dont have. Common sence.
    The more hard work and heavy lifting ppl do the more common since they have.. If you have to do it for yourself you are going to figure it out. Ppl are just too dang caterted to...
    ed shank

    And unfortunately parents are probably the biggest culprits however well intentioned. Nice to see you back.

    I am only back for tonight.. I am giving myself a treat for not smoking yesterday.... But I blew that slap out of the water today. Thanks babe.. I miss you too.
    I do not know myself I fail to see much common sense in todays world or in any decisions made today I think book smarts is good but I think common sense should prevail and one should use it.
    Randy I can only agree wholeheartedly, unfortuneatly since the introduction of "machines" to do our thinking for us the generations started to decline in common sense and knowledge.

    Young people today know nothing about learning except which button to push and a lot of people here are guilty of being even lazier.They don`t even push the button to google. The fact that they would have an answer in minutes instead of hours or days appears to elude them.This text shorthand is brainless because the modern mobile (cell) phone can send a full message in next to no time compared to the older ones. Mine has a big battery that I carry on my shoulder. (joking)

    Pure and simple laziness in my opinion and in later years they will regret it when their brain ceases to function through lack of use.

    OK OK, let me attempt to ask a question that's understandable, Randy.  Here goes:

    How the heck are you able to hold your head the way you do?    :)


    Headless Man

    practice, practice,

    I know! He has his head in his hands and his brains to play with ... it's been driving me crazy!
    common sense:
    Good sense and sound judgment in practical matters
    ALL you have to do is LOOK at the 12 without it in the ANTHONY TRIAL to answer this question.
    Aspartame (what is in diet soda) is burning holes in people's brains.

    ... There you go ... I don't drink diet soda ... Do I have common sense?
    burried deep under layers of bureaucracy. This generation is the generation of "guidelines and policies", where common sense has no place.

    that needs to be changed.

    God help future, will there be any common sence.
    I believe a lot of common sense was learned on the farm where you had to figure things out yourself and repair things yourself, most don't take the time to use their brains to do things and just depend the knowledge of others to Solve their problems.

    I was not brought up on a farm, but still feel I have common sence,
    Headless Man

    Great, I know it can be learn other ways but the farm is a good spot.

    They don't have to anymore.  "Big Brother" is taking over every aspect of our lives possible.


    maybe commonsense is different things for different people and lifes experiences,often what I think would be just plain common sense makes no sense at all for someone else, especially younger ones that have learned to rely on different resources


    i wish i could give more karma points fr this answer,you are not trying to bash the young,or those limited capabilty,

    I think some people are just becoming too lazy to think for themselves.

    You may be born with it, but I'm sure the government has a pollutant or chemical that will eliminate it. Lol.

    I think the preservatives in food as well as the fluoride in the water, there are many environmental pollutants that seem to effect the brain. Selfishness seems to counteract common sense as well.
    Tghe politicians saw there chance and regulated it away

    Doesn't every generation say the same thing about the younger generation?  Read comments in books written back in the 40's and 50's...sounds like they could have been written last week!

    Headless Man

    Yes, but it's true, each generation here in the US has lost skills that the previous generation had not passed on.
    I think that some day soon we will need them.

    The dumbing down of America is the result of our drive for the quick-easy-fix and all forms of instant gratification. You don’t have to know how a TV works to use one and the same goes for every little convenience in our culture. Everything that required us to think, plan and build a contraption to make tacos left millions with the convenience of fast food, more time on their hands to think about how to profit in other ways, how to automate the process to make more money and how to use all the money that was produced. Apparently we have all been swallowed up by the lie that money buys happiness. It doesn’t give us what we really wanted because none of us had any idea what we really wanted so now we are seeing the rise of generations of folk who have no need to learn how to tie their own shoelaces, cook a healthy meal. All we need know today is how to twist a joy stick and press a button to win.  Pizza and beer are delivered ready to eat. Computer chairs are called Lazy Boys and some folk are installing toilet seats to maximize their on-line game time. Idiocracy is growing in America along with political non-sence. So the rest of the world is catching up to our "love of freedom” and the fact that we now solve problems by printing more money. Soon schools will be converted to social gaming centers where you can bet your house, play the ponys , etc….after all, who needs an education?   

    Headless Man

    We are raising a group that will depend on government to care for them!

    Our dependence on the things that are produced, their transportation to our local stores, the energy economy, our ever increasing ignorance of how to survive at home in a small community without money and yet remain orderly and abundantly productive is limited to small groups, communes and a few simple religious groups basically. But grim predictions are most often short sighted for not taking factors into account that are not apparent now. We are resilient and adaptive.

    Is it here on akaQA,,,,,,,,,,

    Randy I have known many academic people who knew so much stuff - but ask them to make a cup of tea and that just too much for them - just can't manage it truly mind you they were young, only trying to make some sense of it. Just cannot beat common sense.

    common sense is not so common!  Humans are gifted to use common sense but we make the choice - use or not use.

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