    Why does Harvard say democrats not excited about 4th of July

    Because democrats are not patriotic. Thats the liberal school saying that , not me. I think most democrats are patriotic, thats just strange what harvard made that statement.

    +1  Views: 656 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    i'm a aussie as i see it .if you were not a democracy through independence there would be no democrats, it's political B.S.
    I am a conservative republican, I don't see this claim from Harvard, however, if it is true their statement i think it is a bit exaggerated. On either side, liberal or Conservative i believe that you will find people that dislike their government for whatever reason they have but its always been this way. The old saying is..

    'It's ok to hate your government as long as you love your country.."

    The word 'patriotic' is used loosely here.. I understand that many liberals dislike military and all that is associated with it, but then some conservatives think that military is the answer to everything.. I am talking extreme left and extreme right. Most democrats and republicans are realists and have their agendas, not being patriotic is not one of them..
    I believe it was only a two percent difference in the study, they came to their findings by weather patterns when no parade would occur the number of democrats in the area were higher, and where there was a parade more republicans were present in these areas.

    I think if you are more on the Liberal side of politics than you may be more of a citizen of the world, and if you are more conservative you will be slightly more patriotic for God and country. Just my opinion.
    Harvard just released a study that said that 4th of July parades and celebrations benefit primarily republicans. They influence children to grow up as republican and boost GOP turn out on election day. These celebrations help form beliefs and increase participation usually in favor of the republicans. The reason for this is that the republicans are more sucessful at appropriating patriotism as one of their symbols. According to the study, democrats benefit very little from 4th fo July celebrations.

    shame on them...

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