    are you consurned about global warming?

    +2  Views: 2242 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    Not at all-- A lot of hoopla.. We could go on and on about it.. It's making enormous amounts of money for AlGore and his cronies. One of the most successful marketing schemes of all times. Global warming --or as its now called 'climate change' is not necessarily a hoax but over exaggerated and designed to instill fear and 'get you in line' The attention put on it will one day be washed out for a new upcoming catastrophe, Global Warming will go by the wayside like the food famine, world drought, ozone depletion, this list of fears created bt the left is an ongoing thing. They have you youngsters conditioned now, the money is to be made..

    People listen, god and mother earth and father universe is bigger than you could ever imagine, there is nothing we wee humans can do to alter the course of nature, nothing is forever and of course we have known for many years that eventually the sun will die but first it will flare up and burn everything and every planet in the solar system, then our dear sun and its planets will become floating dwarfs and ash drifting about the universe as so many solar systems have done before us.. This will be the end of or world as we know it, it will not be cause by humans and global warming, it will be caused by time and decay.. Next time you're in a plane flying about 39000 feet, please look out over the wings at the beautiful blue sky and then think-- isn't this supposed to be dark and gloomy? after all, this is what Al Gore has got you all convinced of while he stuffs his pockets with your 'be green' money and while he exempts himself with a home in Tn that the heater alone for his pool would supply enough energy for the entire neighborhood, and his private jets, but that's ok because he also created 'carbon credits' for the wealthy so they can feel good about dirtying up the planet with their huge carbon emissions. Which BTW, Carbon is what we 'used' to call 'fertilizer' it made the trees and plants flourish as they give off pure oxygen, now we call it toxic.

    Well said Vinny! I agree 100%

    We have had ways to completely eliminate the use of petro-chemicals completely since the 1920's. But "progress" was defined as ways to earn money on the labors of others. There is a long history of these dangerous ways since Adam & Eve were driven from the Garden. It seems so nice to accumulate wealth on the sweat of others. But the price is too high when the whole story is told. So many secrets just to keep a dream alive that yields, in fact, the opposite of wealth. But then mankind has clearly chosen in error.

    I look at that post of mine, that was three years ago, This global warming hoax has reached a new high. So many startup companies in the solar energy business, one after another, tax credits for those that comply, then dividends collected for those that give our tax money to these socially obedient ants. Politicians invest in the companies they push through. Where it was a terrible thing for Republican politicians fond to be investing in oil, it's now a good thing that democrat politicians are investing in green tech. and they are pushing these special credits through and they are making money off of out tax dollars for their own pocket, with AlGore being the biggest offender but he is so blatant with his lies that he doesn't care, nobody will be able to tip him over, now Obama! You can bet your final buck (and your probably will) that Obama himself has private investments in green and he will push it with his presidential power assuring a rich future for his children. It's all BS and lies, and only the strong will see through it but the strong, 'nay sayers' are ridiculed and pushed aside, even the scientists that disprove all this hoax from bottom to the top. In short-- There's a lot of money to be made in Green-- Why you think that call it 'green energy' in the first place. (pun intended) And Organic is another issue, everything is packaged organic now because the obedient will open their wallets to anything they can associate with green and health and saving the planet I doubt if many even know what 'real' organic means?? Like scratching chickens that eat their own poop, tomatoes that are fertilized with real feces. But that's another rant..... The Organic rant coming soon. Get your tickets now. :)

    No, but I am concerned about all the garbage we throw around the water supply, in wooded areas, all over the streets in every city. I'm pretty sure that scientists know a lot more about the subject of global warming than I do, and even they can't agree. For every 10 scientists who cheer Al Gore, there are at least that many who declare that he is simply making a name for himself! (Then again, according to him, he DID invent the internet so....)

    If concern about global warming from pollution is an incentive to clean-up our activities to pollute less and benifit nature and our overall health....I am for it regardless of its basis of reasoning. I don't like to have to breath polluted air or swim in filthy water too toxic for fish or birds. Our nature is a treasury we all need to respect and honor. That an excuse is needed to get the job done is an outrage. Nature is not given a voice in the councles of man but is too often treated as a scape goat and unwanted invader.   


    Robert, I can not agree with you more!! 100% agree. Nobody of common sense wants dirty water, polluted air, etc. The fact that some on the left have distorted beliefs that are passed to them from others on the left that the opposition to Global Warming are people that are ignorant and want the earth to perish in a cloud of pollution and disease. Of course, they get their info from liberal hardcore left media,and their internet friends. This is not true! I (of course) am a conservative, I do not believe in the 'hot-tag' 'Global Warming' as they put it, I do 100% believe that we need to be more cautious about keeping things clean, just as I do in my home, I do not want to live it filth. But if someone told me that my home would blow up if I don't clean it, I would say they too are wrong. The left loves to pander to doom and gloom, and be ready with a solution of self sacrifice that would be better for everyone-- This marketing works, it elects presidents and sells soap. (make a problem, be ready with a solution, this makes money) Every sales item on TV marketing is the same thing! You have this problem, we have this solution-- We will get rich if you can swallow the fact that you have the problem. This is the 'problem' they are having is that there are many that do not agree that there is a problem. (global Warming) If they can't convince you that you have a problem, then they can't sell their solution to the problem - such as all the green energy programs, electric cars, etc. It is BIG money! And they are having trouble getting everyone on board. This is mostly powered by the democrat liberal machine but I know there are some Republican in it as well. Hypocrisy is alive and well. Whenever I see or hear some new political success, I look for the money trail. California just passed a 4,5 billion dollar program for the betterment of the state, they tell you the problem and now they have the money for the solution, who gets this money??? Those that introduced the problem, that's who. I doubt that 1/3 of it will go to the problem that sold it to the voters.

    The honest answer for me is.I don't know.I would like to think that it's just another natural cycle that Mother Earth is going thru.

    terryfossil 1

    I am with you tom,I am very much a skeptic on."Is man causing a change to the climate"..However i gotta do some more investigating.I read something the other day,concerning the atomic structure of a Co2 atom..Co2 is harmless on it's own,,but it appears there might be a part of a Co2 atom that might not be harmless..trouble is i gotta be smart enough to understand what i am reading.catch you later Tom..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<

    I agree, is it a cyclic thing, politicians creating drama, environmentalists crying wolf, or really an issue that is as it will be for good?

    I dug this question up from 3 years ago,there are 2 answers here,and they both disagree with each other,,so has anybody changed their opinion from 3 years ago and why,,i personally agree 95% with Vinny,,For me nothing has changed,Global warming is BS,,and climate change?, how stupid ,the climate has changed every year naturally up or down,and check this out ,on the news this morning some scientist said the temperature has not risen in the last 16 years,,here's a good kicker,the 3 biggest producers of carbon dioxide are ,Bush Fires,,Volcanoes ,and the ocean...try controlling all of them,, Anyway looking forward to hearing some answers...>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<

    terryfossil 1

    There are 1 or 2 things i do not agree with Vinny on. but on the whole i agree with most of what he said,

    Ok, now I am curious! Where do we differ? Convince me that I am wrong on those '1 or 2' things. :) I'm up for a debate, but if you have a decent argument, I will concede without fault.
    terryfossil 1

    Gotcha outa bed did i Vinny,,to start with ,my answer relates to your 3 year old posting,1 or 2 things,lest just make it one,,,Your position on the sun burning up the earth towards the end times,,I am one of those who believe Jesus will return long before then and save our rear end..and Vinny i did not say you were wrong,i said i did not agree with you,,as for the debate,,it would be your belief against mine,and that debate could go for a long time,,you really want to do that..Always nice talking Vinny..>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Yes, I am concerned. Concerned at how long it's taking for our Canadian winters to abate every April.

    terryfossil 1

    You should care Digger,,its only gotta drop below 22 degrees Celsius in Aussie and i freeze,,it's alright down in Melbourne, there like you ,used to it ..but in Queensland,,Well they don't call us the Sunshine State for nothing...>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    No "warming" in your part of the country either?

    No "Inconvenient Truth" in these parts.
    terryfossil 1

    bring on the heat Duck i like it...I am a sunbronzed Queenslander,,a lot of my early life was spent chasing waves at Maroochdore..

    No, not at all. Mother nature is mother nature is mother nature…….



    It's not nice to fool Mother Nature ;-)

    I'm more concerned with global colding. A couple of winters ago, It was under  20 degrees F. every day . This last winter, it was very cold and the largest amount of snow we've had for 70 yrs. There were states down south that got snow - - - -and they hardly ever have gotten snow.!


    That's the funny thing about global warming.They say it will cause another Ice Age.

    Concerned all, are we ready to pay the prices, get ready, food, fuel, water, everything will be impacted economically!   Scorched land doesn't grow crops, or animals, and water will cost more, as it will be less available.  Ocean temperatures increased will change what will survive and where.  It will have far reaching implications on us all, either directly, or ultimately. 

    anyone not concerned has the ostrich complex, please dont listen to the money based supermen who would deny whats happening on a world wide basis. I am an Aussie and here we are being hit by all sorts e.g.floods and drought on an unprecedented scale.
    The ice melts in antartica are creating the largest "break off" icebergs in history country sized departures can the seas not rise. When money is one's major preoccupation the rest just dont matter. This is my grand-childs world too and I want to see them have a future. Do the right thing and make sure this is not the cause of future misery to others less fortunate perhaps than the boss of B P say


    i am really concerned i think trees should be planted around industries so as to absorb the CO2 and converters should be put in exhaust of cars from the industries, more electric cars should be produced and lastly homes should be built in space

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