    I drive a 2000 Trooper. The "check engine" light comes on about once a month for a couple days. I sprayed out the egr valve w/ carb cleaner and that helped. Can't spend $160 for a new one, engine scanner specifies that as the problem.Why does it come on then go off after 10-20 start-ups? Before cleaning it stayed on for a week.

    This rig sat idle for a year before driving again. Also it gets wretched mileage, about 12 MPG.

    0  Views: 387 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    There could be moisture getting into your egr valve. Spraying it with the cleaner may be helping to dry or remove the moisture. Until you have the money to replace the value, you may have to stick with what's been working for you.
    Thank you for your response. It was the only one I got. Yes I will buy a new egr valve eventually. Getting one @ a junkyard would be pointless!
    Thanks again and remember, Love Life :-)

    I agree. Getting something like that at a junkyard would be pointless. You'd just be buying the same trouble. We are volunteers here from a lot of different walks of life. We do this for fun. What you'll find here are backyard machinists for the most part. I know something about engines because I use to fix my own engine issues. I always love life. It has many interesting twists and turns ;)

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