    Did Saddam Hussen have WMD's

    0  Views: 438 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    @matheneyg - and any other left thinking liberal.. listen up..

    Of course he did, what the matter with you people in denial about this, cripes, remember 'Chemical ali?? They used these WMD's on their own people, remember all the men women and children laying in the dirt streets dead from mass killings from saddams WMD's??? Are you in denial of that too???

    Yes, Saddam had WMD's the reason we didn't locate them is because of a 'no war pact' the 'search team' or 'weapons inspectors' was ordered to advise of the next search location 2 weeks BEFORE the search was actually executed. Obviously enough time to relocate..

    try and remember this:

    there is a tunnel underground that spans almost halfway under the desert from iraq to Syria, there were videos made where massive numbers of trucks were coming out of this tunnel and heading into Syria, do you know what was on these trucks?? Not troops, this you can be sure of, not food either, food does not come from Iraq, not meds either, it was clearly an evacuation of WMD's from Iraq, we could not do anything about it because act of war had not been initiated at that time.

    do you remember the trucks they located that had only one usage and that was to spread poison chemicals as the interior had devices designed for this and traces of this chemical was found on this equipment. these were used probably on the Kurds as well.

    I think you Libs need to quit hiding behind your hatred for GWB and look at some facts, you obviously are blinded by hate..

    In short answer: Yes Saddam had WMD's, No we did not find them because they were evacuated... Where are they now?? My guess is that they went to Syria but this is a moot point because the shelf life of this deadly chemical is short and if still in existance has the toxic value of baby powder..

    even with this information, Libs will continue to expand on this regardless of what facts are presented..

    Also, remember the LIBS with their 'no Blood for Oil??? if this is true and GWB was going after the oil, how come we don't have it?? How can you deny that our troops also assisted initiated the building of many schools, hospitals, aid to the people in the form of food, shelters and even libraries.. Why is it that you all forget all the good that GWB created?? The people of Iraq love the USA, the LIBS of USA hate GWB and in some cases, the USA as wellfor the good he did.. why is that??

    Do you remember Ted Kennedy got pissed off because WE DIDN'T TAKE THE OIL??? he was a liberal democrat, he says..
    iraq owes us this oil, we should take it!!! GWB said, no we will not, oil is the Iraqi people only resource, we will not take that from them.."


    Pisses me off when i hear this stuff... people need to get their facts from all sources, not only one..
    No he did not, it was a BS story concocted by the Bush Administration

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