    What do you think about your spouses driving habits?

    +4  Views: 625 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    I need a tranquilizer before riding with my hubbie, he uses hand controls, hugs the center line, turns in front of cars... i could go on and on :)
    ed shank

    That's so funny. Seat belt, and air bags you'll be OK.
    i got no problem with it the cops sure do!
    ed shank

    I get car sick.. butit is not him it is me in the passangers seat... He gets mad at other driver as if they are personally attacking him .. .Irritates the mess out of me.
    ed shank

    Road rage?

    Not so much more like road asshole. He doesnt speed up on ppl or threaten them... HE just gets bitchy.
    ed shank

    Road asshole, I love it.
    My wife is an excellent driver, (Don't tell her I said that) I feel confident enough to take a nap while she drives. Don't ever ask her what she thinks of mine. Twice she got out of the car at a red light and called a cab.
    She does well, but usually leaves the driving to me when we're together.
    I hate my wife's driving,she has no respect for a automobile,i think she looks for the pot holes too hit and she flys from one stop light too the next,we live in the city and there are many lights and to try to tell her that they are timed and to slow down so the next one will be green by the time she gets there is out of the question,so i just don't drive with her and thats that.
    ed shank

    My wife commutes nearly 1,000 miles a week. She should know how to drive by now. I go through cars like crazy. I have underwear older than her cars.
    ed shank

    My wife commutes nearly 1,000 miles a week. She should know how to drive by now. I go through cars like crazy. I have underwear older than her cars.
    Thank goodness mine can't drive because they dont make a strong enough anxiety/nerve med.
    ed shank

    Don't hold back dad59, tell it like it is.

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