    Just so not right.....

    Many of you know we just had our first child late in life. And she is everything to us, Its been about one year now and I couldn't be happier. My wife and I just came from a viewing of our friends, granddaughter, niece, cousin, we haven't seen these people in a couple of years, AND OMG she was 3 months old... When I looked in the casket I broke down... I guess my question is what was your worst wake?

    +4  Views: 704 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    Ya got a little JD oil in me right now too. Sorry if this didn't come out right

    6 Answers

    I'm not even going to try and compare to this one. My heartfelt sympathies to all during this time of grief. For you I wish you strength to get through the trauma of seeing one so small at the end of what should have been the start of her life. May your daughter live to be a great grandmother someday. (((JDB)))
    I'd rather not talk about funerals, it depresses me.. The older you get the more you see, it puts meaning to your own mortality.. it won't be long..

    i used to have a hobby of walking through the fancy south california cemeteries.
    I swear some of those sites had fresh flowers brought daily. Beautiful but that money could go someplace else Charities
    My husband says "We're getting to be dying age." Would you rather have been gone already. Enjoy the here. Right now.

    I posted in the wrong place, I'm sorry.
    Could not possibly think of anything worse.The parents/Grandparents must be stricken with grief.
    Had a similar occasion many years ago when a cousins 2 year old was burnt to death.Almost unbearable.
    My reaction would no doubt have been the same. Pray a lot. Teach your children well. The rest is not in your hands, only Gods.
    JDB i feel your witness something like this,makes us appreciate what we have.
    Well what did you get bitten by Spider? Could not have been a spider as you said you have never been bitten by one.
    I think you were trying to be a smart arse at the time of greif for some people and it backfired when my mate Tommy took you to task.

    For goodness sake grow up.
    Learn to speak also "I got bit" should be bitten. "ben" I guess is you attempt at been. Sorry I know this is not a school room but I feel we all should try to help others who are clearly not educated.

    Whew...wrong thread.

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