    How can I organize my itunes library into different categories of music

    I want to do something analogous setting up a system of folders and subfolders for text documents.

    0  Views: 308 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    All you do, is look on the left or you Itunes, and see where it says "playlists"? That is basically a "folder" for a type of music that you want, such as "60's music", "rap", "rock and roll", etc.

    So then, you follow these guidelines - FILE >> NEW PLAYLIST. Then, a new playlist should appear in your "playlist" section on the left of your Itunes. It should be highlighted, so that you can type the name of your new playlist right away. You then type in the name of what you want the playlist to be named, such as "rock songs". You hit enter, and after you do that, you should have a new, and empty playlist.

    When you have successfully completed this, you then click on "music" at the top left of you Itunes, and simply drag the music you want, straight into your new playlist. After that, you can simply click on your playlist and listen to all of your rock songs without having to scavenge through your Itunes trying to fins all your different rock songs, which can be very useful.

    Here is an example of how useful it can be. Lets say you are having a party at your house. And all the attendees at the party only want to listen to rock music, and nothing else. You simply hook up your speakers to your computer (or play it on your computer really loud), and click on your "rock" playlist. By doing this, you are giving yourself the opportunity to do other things and not having to actually keep going back to the computer to click on "aerosmith" and then 15 minutes later having to go back to the computer to click on "AC-DC".

    Thank you and please vote this answer up.

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