    how do you stop loving somebody who dno't know u exist

    +2  Views: 383 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Why dont you introduce yourself or make yourself known to this person.You just might get a reaction and be pleasantly surprised.
    Buy a sports car.A big red one,& flirt with every one.
    There are a lot of fish in the sea. That's what my Mom always told me. You are going to find somebody that is just waiting for you to be their best friend and girlfriend. Don't fret, just have fun being yourself for now and before you know it, somebody else is going to come along looking for you.
    Time heals all wounds. So if you don't want to get to know this person you might as well try to forget him/her.
    don't worry, give it time and it will pass.
    1. Go up and knock the person on the forehead and introduce yourself. Then ask if they would like to be your friend. Friends first, always. If the person says no, then go buy a double scoop of your favorite ice cream and afterwards- repeat step one with someone else until you find the person who knows you exist and you can love.
    You must be young. You can be fond of someone who doesn't know you exist, but love, I doubt it. Is there anyone you hate that you haven't talked too?

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