    i have a coworker i realy dislike but i try to be very nice to her , because i am a person wich will not back off because the things she said i really dont like and keep it to myself but if it comes to a confrontation it just come out off me and i cant hold it back any longer and i tell her what i think of her that just happend to days ago because she call at work ii answerd the phone and she told me what happend to her i wanted to tell her that i felt sick she hang up the phone on me i

    +1  Views: 2134 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: life

    6 Answers

    Keep your conversations to work-related issues and never discuss your personal life with her. Everybody has someone they work with that they do not like, it is natural and you just have to deal with it.

    thanks i will do that

    good girl! :-)

    thanks, but i, don,t like to be a good girl , i know life be much easier, somtimes i get it sometimes i am not,
    In a nice way tell this person to take a s**t somewhere else. Get It?

    OMG. Just do your job and keep your nose out of everyone's ass.  You let this coworker get on your nerves and you are the one who is going to be in the spotlight when the dissention reaches the boss's desk.....and it will.

    My mom always told me, "It takes two to fight and the smarter one shuts up".

    Try to be the smart one.

    are you just venting here ,sorry i dont really see a question!

    daren my english is not that good but wy you try to answer if you dont understand

    what kind of work do you do this might help me
    I have several co-workers I do not care for but some things are best left unsaid and keep everything professional and work related.
    is evrybody sleeping

    Im wide awake.

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