    sleep apnea

    How do you feel when you first start using the sleep apnea machine?

    0  Views: 720 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    I think those CPAP machines are vastly overated. When I worked in the nursing home, as an LPN, I had a stroke patient who was supposed to wear it at night. He kept taking if off, and he seemed to be breathing ok at night. Many times, it's just a case of getting off your back and sleeping on your side. And also, it seems to be a case of being quite over weight in the belly area. Losing weight would help sleep apnea. Sometimes, it's caused by anxiety, and a mild anti-depressant or anti-anxiety pill could help.
    Hubby was tired.. that thing kept him up all night tossing and turning... He quit wearing it. Then one night he woke in the middle of a "no breath" moment and it scared him terribly.. He has worn it now, every night, for over a year. He got used to it. So have I...
    I do not for one moment dispute your background or knowledge mycatsmom but I do question the advisability of making assumptions that may lead to someone discontiuing their prescribed treatment with possible dire results.

    Please do not think that I do not agree with you because in one instance I do entirely.
    That area is you mention of overweight, my wife was put on a CPAP and found it helped BUT she was overweight. She was diagnosed later with esophagel cancer and had her total stomach removed. The result was over 30kgs in weight loss AND has not used CPAP since.

    As I type this she is driving to Townsville to see our son, this is a two day trip from where we live so the surgery appears to have done the trick.

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