    Are cemeteries owned by individuals?

    +1  Views: 631 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    On Norfolk Island, part of Australia but autonimous in operation, they have the best idea ever. When a islander dies the family and friends dig the grave in the cementry, They pay $50 for a plain pine box and the local religious bloke of the deceaseds` religion says his bit they toss the box, sorry gently lower, the box into the grave and proceed to fill it in. Just about all the island turns up and they have a big party, get drunk and tell lies,
    Only way to go.

    Fantastic idea!
    Some churches own cemeteries, I stand corrected on this. In my home town we have a "protestant cemetery" and a "catholic cemetery" and people are usually buried in the cemetery of their faith. Also, here in New Hampshire there are many privately owned cemeteries because everyone lived in rural areas and they had cemeteries on their farms for the area families. In some cases, people still request to be buried in them with the rest of their family.

    Wiki says that in some cases, towns or cities do take over cemeteries and do the upkeep on them.

    I believe Cemeteries in the UK are owned by the local authorities, however there are several pet cemeteries that are privately owned.
    No. Many are owned by the city, or township, or county . The one here in my small burb is owned by the city . And the city keeps it up .....using our tax dollars. My parents and other family members are buried there.
    good question i dont know without using google , i do beleive the individual plot is privetly owned..

    Correct, you pay for the plot.
    I wish I owned one. I'd make a mint.

    Military cemeteries can be owned by the Federal Government. For the most part.. cemeteries are a private business and offer different means of laying people to a final resting place. All cemeteries are regulated by either State or Federal guidelines. If a City needs to claim eminate domain on a property for the good of the public. Then they have to re-locate all of the occupants (deceased) to where ever the current owners agree or the State sees fit.

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