    I have a picture of the 316th F.A. A.E.F. 6/10/1919 47" long and 8" wide can you give some info on who this picture is of, and is it worth anything?

    +1  Views: 225 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Forty-first, 41st Division (Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho National Guard)
    Source No. 2: 41st (old 20) Division - Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. Trained at Camp Fremont in Palo Alto, Cal.
    Nickname: Sunset Division
    161st, 162nd, 163rd, 164th Infantry (Inf.)
    146th, 147th, 148th Artillery (Art.)
    146th, 147th, 148th Machine Gun (M. G.)
    116th Engineers (Eng.)
    Brig. General Commanding: R. Coulter, Jr.
    Depot Division St. Aignan and Noyers.
    Roger Willcoe

    sorry 316th not 116th

    Ninety-first, 91st Division (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming) (National Army)
    Source No. 2: 91st Division - Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Trained at Camp Lewis in American Lake, Wash.
    Nickname: Wild West Division, Far West Division, or Powder River Division
    361st, 362nd, 363rd, 364th Infantry (Inf.)
    346th, 347th, 348th Artillery (Art.)
    346th, 347th, 348th Machine Gun (M. G.)
    316th Engineers (Eng.)
    Major General Commanding: W. H. Johnson.
    Engaged: St. Mihiel, Argonne, Flanders, Spitals Bosschen.

    Any engineers in the family?

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