    is there an afterlife after we die

    +6  Views: 629 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    Yes. When we are in the presence of God in heaven, there will be no sickness, nor sorrow and no tears in heaven. The old order will pass away. The world of pain and suffering will be gone.
    I was watching celebrity ghost stories and they were talking about near death experiences. Jayne Seymour an actress who stared in,"Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman," who was also a bond girl, back in the 70's had a moving experience.

    Here's quote which I will paraphrase,"There I was floating over my body watching the doctors trying to revive me when I thought to myself, your body is like a car or a shell. It's not the real you only a temporary house for your soul." I completely agree with that you don't take anything with you when you die, just you soul.

    I do believe that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, the only way to find God is to pray for Him to show Himself to you everyday, and to seek him whole heartedly. Hope this helps?
    yes , best get prepared now..
    We do not die,only your vessel,we are transform into a new reality.
    Although the worms my flesh davour and make my form thier prey,
    I know I shall arise in power on the final Judment day.

    Life after death... absolutly....

    Stop blomming youth as you pass by,
    As you are know so once was I.
    As I am now you must be,
    Prepare for death and follow me.

    The need to prepare once self for judgement... Without question.
    Yes, I believe there is life after death.
    There is a wonderful poem ,'Dust' by Rupert Brooke, one verse of which I quote:
    Nor ever rest, nor ever lie,
    Till, beyond thinking, out of view,
    One mote of all the dust that's I
    Shall meet one atom that was you.

    No there isn't. If you choose to believe that there is because it makes you feel better,go ahead. Enjoy life now.
    Where is the proof ?...we will never know.
    Has there been any scientific evidence of life after death? Surely some paper shuffler has hooked on to this one.

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